Dr Mahdi Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma

    Hi all booked my surgery for ba and uplift for 14th June
    If anyone has used dr madhi id be most greatful for pics of before and afters. I’m starting to have a wobble now it’s getting nearer and wonder if he is the best surgeon to go with.

    I’m currently a very flat 32c dont fill bra. Been advised to get 325 cc or 350cc over muscle

    TIA xxx


    Hi Gemma,

    I’m 11th August with Dr Mahdi too. Reduction, uplift and implant. 350cc. I made a thread but no one responded to me either. I really want to speak to people who have had him! X


    I’m the 12th August with dr Mahdi. Is there a WhatsApp group?


    No but maybe we should make one?!

    Jenny 1

    I’m going with Mahdi, not until Nov though. Haven’t seen a lot of his work, would love to see some more before and afters so I can stop feeling nervous!

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