Hotels near Highgate? Started by: kasia

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  • kasia

    Hi girls,
    I’m having my BA on the 15th July and I’m a day case but staying in the hotel over night. I’m looking for an accomodation very close to the hospital so my bf won’t have to travel too much and can go there while I’m having a surgey to rest and sleep. I’ve read one girl here said she stayed in the hotel opposite the hospital?
    If anyone could give me some details would be grateful!


    Hi Kasia,

    My best advice to you would just to be google it! If there is anything it would come up. Good luck with the BA. I am getting my date for my procedure on mon! I am so nervous

    Claire xx


    I’m trying to google it but I’m not too good with maps lol Anyway will keep trying.
    Good luck to you too:)
    I was so nervous yesterday, tried to pay for my BA and the card didn’t work, we tried with Gemma 8 times and the payment was declined all the time, called my bank, they said everything was fine but still couldn’t pay! Almost cried there! I’m having my BA with Mr Adamo and the only dates available were 8th July but no day case on that day, then 15th and next one 2nd August which is too late as I’m going on holiday on the end of the month. Begged Gemma to book me on the 15th but she said she can’t do it as they haven’t received the money from me so I said I’ll make a transfer to their account which I did but she still said they can book my date only when they get money. I was so upset thet all spaces on the 15th will be taken before they receive my payment. After few minutes she called me again and said they agreed to book my space provisionaly. What a relief!:)


    Hiya there is a guest house called the muswell hill hotel here is the website link


    I am staying in Ibis hotel the night before my op. My stand in mya pc actually booked it for me this week!

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