Hey babe, you sound the same as me i was a surgery virgin with no clue and couldnt find much on here about it!
I had my labiaplasty done about 2weeks ago now with MYA.
I had Dr Marion Grobb do mine, as was recommended her by MYA, she’s been great so far and I know she travels to other places then London but not sure exactly where else. Maybe if you talk to your PC when you go for your first appointment as they should be able to recommend the best person for you. I went to see a few diff surgeons before I decided on her.
I paid the £2800 with MYA but there are other companies that do it for cheaper ( eg. transform £2400)
It’s becoming so much more common over here, over doubled in past few years, so yes you can get hoodectomys/clitorplexy in the UK but for that you would probably have to go to a specialst gynaecologist, as I don’t think MYA offer this but might be worth asking at your fist appointment.. When talking about hoodectomy with surgeon she wouldn’t touch the clitorus at all or go anywhere near it. It most likely would increase the cost of the surgery as it makes it more complex and would take longer!
Feel free to add me, message me or ask any more questions!! Hope this helps babe xxx