anybody been accepted- first medic with guarantor Started by: lisaf28xx

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    :confused:hi there, i was declined a couple of months ago with first direct!! i have not got a good credit report, but was told that i need a co sighner. i have since got my dad to agree to do this, he has a great credit rating, but he has only agreed to do this is the apr is at a reasnoble amount, the typical been 14%.
    does anybody know if because of my rating been poor and my dad’s been good, around what apr i might be looking at? surley if my dad is putting his name to the application that he is willing to pay if i dont , then it should be based on him?? any1 been in my situation?? i feel so close to getting what i have wanted for more that 10 years, but yet so far xxxxx


    Hi Lisa!
    I originally applied for the loan on my own, but then they told me that mine needed to be a joint application. (I think it was due to my age – I was only 20 when I applied, but am 21 now!!).
    My mum agreed to add her details to the application and it was accepted!!!
    I have had my finance on 10 months interest free, which will cost me


    thankyou, thats given me some hope, i should hopefully get an answer tomorrow, the thing im worried about is that my credit is really bad, but my dads is really good, so hopefully be ok.. thanks ill let you know my outcome, what happens after you are given a desision, does it take long for the money to be paid and what documents would i need to provide xxx


    I got my contract a couple of days later – me and my mum need to sign it, and we both have to send copies of last 2 payslips, copy of last full bank statement and copy of either passport or driving licence.

    Good luck!!!


    thankyou x



    I applied with First Medical and was told because I am unemployed I would need a guarantor who was over 25, income of


    thanks, infact i pulled the application out before it went through, as i was told that although my fathers credit was excellent, mine was not so it would still be declined because of me, i did not want my dads status to be marked because of me, anyway my dad has agreed to pay on his credit card for me 6% apr, good enough rate for me, when i was considering paying sky high rates, iv got my consultation on sat and hoping to get a late space xxx good look with you op and thankyou xx


    Hi Lisa,

    Seems it was a good move to pull your application out! We have just found out that we aren’t getting a

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