Scarring – how long Started by: tracy24582

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    I am 4 weeks post op and was wondering if anyone knows how long it usually takes for the scars to disappear and go down as mine still look quite red?


    hi Tracey, good question becuase i had my BA on tuesday – havnt yet seen my scars but would like to know how long they take to go down! btw, how swollen were your boobs (if any)? and how long did it take for the swelling to go down? xx


    hey girlies. your scars rate of healing will depend on loads of things such as skin tone, sun xposure, neatnss of stitches and your bodies natural healing abilities.
    they will never ‘disappear’ completely though. remember they are deep inscisions, not exactly a scratch.
    could take up to a year to fully heal.

    remember to eat well, you can put vitamin E on them and keep them out of the sun, all this will help.
    happy healing!


    Hi Keira
    mine didn’t go down much, when i first had them done it hurt my nipples more than anything they went huge
    but everythings settled and the look so natural its ace.
    My scars are mint they are only about 2cms long and really straight i was just wondering how long until they sort of blend in a little bit more with my skin tone


    wow 2 cm, thats so good! hope mine are only little too. yeh i noticed my nipples went abit bigger but they are kind of back to normal now, although i cant feel my left nipple!! lol. but ive been told thats quite common xx


    sorry i meant 2 inches, just realised how small 2cms actually was

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