flying Started by: lilybon

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  • lilybon

    Hi Girls. I am new to this site!!

    I am having a ba on 4 Aug but I previously booked a holiday on 19 Aug. I am scared my boobies will explode on the plane. I know some girls have flown home from abroad but I AM SCARED AND WORRIED THAT I MAY DO DAMAGE! I have read that they swell on the flight. Any comments wld be much appreciated.

    Nic x


    hiya Nic

    They definatley dont explode they only tell you to not fly due to blood clots they tell you that after every single operation. I work on the planes i was back at work 2 weeks after had mine done 2nd june 4 weeks agoe i have flown about 6 times. my friend went to toronto 2 days (super bionic woman felt no pain after boobs done)after her op.

    i have been wearing sports bra and they do go a bit swollen i suppose not majorly tho to be honest a few veins come up and they did go a bit itchy.

    drink plenty of water before and during flight.

    they do recommend im sure dont do short haul for 2 weeks long haul for 6 but thats purely for bloody clots nothing else.

    hope this helps dont worry no one at my work (loads had boob jobs) has ever had a problem i promise

    x x

    missmanace 2


    Im also booked for Aug 4th with Dr Traynor in Manchester!
    What about you?




    Thanx for your expertise i am so grateful! Was due to have ba 16 july Spire but changed my mind cos of 1 yr after care only. I wld have had more time to heal but Mya have been fantastic! Nic x


    I am with mr Chantarasak in Highgate! Nic x



    i had my BA 5th June and i go on holiday 8th July (this wednesday!!) so its just over 4 weeks and im really nervous too! i have read its okay to fly short haul after two weeks and long haul 6 weeks. i was also told by my surgeon (mr Kazzazi) that i was able to wear bikinis on holiday too.. which i was surprised about as i thought it was vital you wore a sports bra for 6 weeks after?


    Hi xnikx

    I have had a cancellation and am having ba on 14 July now so I WILL HAVE 4 WKS like u to heal a bit b4 i fly on 19 Aug.

    U r probably in the air as I email u so I will msg u when u get back so u can let me know what to expect! Hope u have a restful holiday!

    Take care

    Nic xx

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