Did anyone have bad bruising after BA? Started by: charlie1

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  • charlie1 -3

    Girls ive got really bad bruising all around my left side, it’s black and looks horrible. I’m 10days po tomorrow, just wondering how long it will take to go. My right side is fine no bruising at all. Also on my id card where the barcode stickers are for left n right my left has 2 stickers, 1 on top of the other. They both have different serial numbers on, but are for the same weight n same type of implant. Any ideas why that cud be? X


    Don’t know about stickers hun I would call them and enquire about that!! I had bad bruising, no fault of my surgeon I just do bruise really easy, would only say it’s just gone now and im 16 days p.o. So give it another week, but was hard I do sympathize.cos round my ribs was so painful to wear sports bras but my actual boobs were fine lol xx

    charlie1 -3

    Mine is all under my boob, all on the inside and all around the outside. I’ve also got small scratches in a few places about 1cm each in length, I look like I’ve had a fight with a cat! God knows wots gone on but it’s not very tidy looking at all. Just feeling a bit fed up about it, I don’t bruise really easy either :( x


    Hi love am 5day post op av got bad bruised on my left, all under my arm round to my back, my ribs and over the top of my boob. Its bloody soar. Hope it clears up soon. Right boob has no pain wht so ever xxx


    I’m nearly 4 week PO and still have bruising, its getting better every day but still there :-( I’m sure it will clear up eventually x

    The serial numbers will be for your implants I assume?

    charlie1 -3

    Gosh 4wks! Aww hope it goes soon for u hun it’s horrible isn’t it! Yeah that’s what I thought so maybe he’s used an implant n then for some reason he’s had to use another or something. I peeled the top sticker back slightly and both are ticked for the left side. Same side as all the bruising! X

    Leoni 1

    I’m 10 days post op, took these images yesterday! X

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