age Started by: megan

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  • megan

    im 18 and want a b.a. after the birth of my 2 children i have been left with nothing and it realy gets me down.m bf and parents are bein realy supportive even tho im still young but i heard from another girl who had a b.a at m.y.a. sed she was 18 wen she had hers and she felt the surgeon didnt realy want to operate on her and made sum comments bout bein young.i realy want it but i dnt want it with a surgeon who isnt happy doin it.just wonderin what peoples thoughts are on this and if there are any other girls who had thers young. x


    I think that girls are getting younger who have ba , but lots of them have it just because they wont big boobs .But i think if you need them doing after having children then go for it. Bear in mind because they are surpose to last 10 years you might wont another one when your 28.If i was realy young and needed ba i would get it done.good luckxx


    thankyou. x


    Hey Megz…i had my BA done 3 days ago and i’m 19!
    my surgeon had no issues with my age…
    I would say go for it! you won’t regret it!!
    x x x


    Hi Megz
    I think when you go for your first consultation, they match you up with a surgeon, based on what you want and what your personality is like also. So if you tell the patient co-ordinator what you have told us, they will bare that in mind and make sure you won’t have that problem. It is getting more common for younger ladies to have it done, so the surgeons will be used to it. You are an adult after all!!
    Enjoy your BA!! x


    hi megz,
    im 19 and had my op 4 days ago. theres a loada girls on here that are 18/19 that have had it done. so dont worry about it.
    the only problem is that we’ll have a longer committment than other older women, i.e were gna have to have more ops to replace the implants.
    sarah xx


    Hi i am 28 years old and had my BA 12 days ago. I wanted one for 12 years but decided to wait as I knew I wanted children I ahve 3 now and hubby will have no more so this was the right time for me! Go for it if you think you are ready

    Alana xx


    thanks every one for the info.can i also ask bout recovery,how many days till u can lift things.just slightly nervous as i have 3 year old daughter and 6month old bf works and cnt realy take time off as he earns the money that keeps the roof over our mum n dad have offerd for me n kiddies 2 stay round there 4 a week so they can help out.


    I think taking up your parents offer would be good, as you won’t want to be lifting things for the first few days at least!
    I’m 19 and hoping to have mine done at the end of Aug/September, so if you want to be boob-buddies or whatever its called, I’m happy to give you my email address!
    I haven’t experienced anyone who has been biased because of my age yet, but I’ll let you know if I do!


    hey saucy secrets thanks 4 the advice think i am defo gonna stay a my parents.hiya i would luv to b ure boob buddie lol but at da moment im using my mum n dads computer email address but in getin my internet sorted at mine wivin a couple of weeks so make sure u still on hear then n i will geve u my new e-mail address 4 sure.hopin 2 go 4 consultation within the nxt 2 weeks,then hopfully get it booked 4 soon afta!been 4 urz yet? megz xxx


    I’ll still be here :) I had a consultation on Friday, going back to see Mr Singh in a week and a half and then hopefully I’ll have them done in September. It feels so much more likely after the consultation, you’ll love it! Do you know what size you want to go too?


    kool kool.yeah im sort of looking 4ward 2 avin the consultation.well om a small 32 a and i would love 2 be a d but i will c wot surgeon thinks.wot bout u? x



    i had my BA 5th June an im 19.. i do not think its to young as long as you are totally sure about it! and i agree with sarah the only downside is that we have a longer comitment with them but they are supposed to last 10 years.. my PC also said they can last longer and getting them replaced is sometimes just down to personal choice xx

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