Time scale Started by: xbexx

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  • xbexx

    Hi girlies! I’m new to MYA. Been looking into getting implants for quite a while now & I’ve decided I definately want to get them done with MYA. I’m currently saving up & I plan on getting them done in April next year. I was just wondering how long it normally is from your first consultation to actually getting the done?

    Thanks! 🙂 x


    I had my first consultation a couple weeks ago, and my op is on 12th august :D

    I never saved up full amount, my credit is too bad for finance so i saved up 1000 then went to first consultation and paid that, then at the end of july im paying 1500, then mya is giving me garanteed finance for the rest over the year to pay off so they’ve been really helpful for me :D


    hi bex, u can book ur operation at ur convenience providing your surgeon of choice is available. i had my consultation in june and picked 5th sug to have it done, but i also had options in june and july so MYA are very flexible with that.


    Wow, that’s really quick! I’m planning on going for my first consultation at the beginning of March, then would like the op doing at the beginning of April as it’s my 21st next July so hopefully I’m thinking I will have fully recovered by then! Thanks girls, this helps! 🙂

    Stacey, I’m wanting to do similar to what you’ve done. I’ve had a look at different payment methods on the website & one looked like it would really help me. I’m planning on having


    Hi Bex, I’m in a similar situation to you cos I don’t want to do it asap, I went for my first consultation with the pc this tuesday and told her that I wasn’t looking to do it for a few months, she said it was fine, recommended 2 surgeons and gave me some future op dates to play with so it’s well worthwhile having a chat with them even if the op is a not til next year.

    Rio x


    Thanks Rio 🙂 Yeah, I think I might meet with them sooner rather than later like you have. But if they give some dates I know I’d be dying to just book in straight away…I’m a bit too impatient like that! Haha. x


    If u go on http://www.breastenlargementdiscounts.co.uk and fill in the form u will get


    Ok. Thanks Sw_1_x 🙂 x

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