People’s responses towards your new boobs? Started by: laluu

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  • laluu

    Hiiii everyone,
    Im set to have my op next month and although im sooo excited im a bit worried about what people will think of me/ how people will act differently towards me because of having bigger boobs…

    i recently read an article about a woman who ‘fashioned’ D cup boobs for the day and how people acted so differently around her than they did when she was a natural B cup. Has anyone had any experience with this? Good and bad experiences?

    Laluu x x x


    As you will be much more confident with larger breasts you will attract nicer attention because your confidence will come out more. Thats what i think


    i agree with amy…the more confidence you have the better you will feel about urself and that would shine through, attracting more confident people…


    noone has really noticed my boobs cuz i used such massive, gel filled, padded, moulded bras with chicken fillets! the lot! but im only 9 days post op and havent really been out much yet! plus, my boobs havent dropped and fluffed properly so i dont have much of a cleavage yet! but the family and friends that ive told about my ba (which isnt a lot!!) think my boobs are really nice and havent really noticed the difference lol!

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