BRAS???? Started by: charlie87

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  • charlie87 -1

    Hi girls

    im 6 weeks post op and got measured as a 30 ff!!! i was so shocked only thought i was a DD…still very happy with them tho…just wondering where any of you get your bras from if your measuring around the same size..i know all the places like bravissmio and stuff but they are quite pricey and was wondering where else any of u girls get yours from, i want a really good push up bra???



    30ff???! woooooow im so jealous!! im probs only gna end up a C/D! im nearly 2 weeks post op now. cant wait to go shopping :D where did u get measured btw?
    sarah x


    Hi Sara ,
    you had your op the same time as me and was just woundering if you have eny rippling? i am not sure but i think i felt slite ripple .thanx x


    hey kellg,
    erm i think i might have had a tiny bit under my left armpit, but i think that was cuz the skin was still so tight! but none since! ive had squelchy boobs though lol! that was a bit weird but my pc assured that was just air pockets!
    how are your boobs looking now? mine have dropped alot already! but theyre still really sensitive and numb in parts!
    sarah xx


    Hi Sara,
    I am happy with my boobs i am seeing nurse in manchester tomorrow they have dropped a lot, so am just waiting for them to get softer but they are getting better by the day i am
    going to la senza to get measrured and buy that pink sports bra in there hope they have my size EE lol i wish . i have not had squelchy boobs though lol. kerry x


    im going to see the nurse tomorrow aswell! lol! ye mine are still quite firm even though theyve dropped! i was bit worried that theyd dropped too fast considering its only been 2 weeks and that they might bottom out. but if urs have dropped alot too then im not so worried! im only a full c/small d lol tiny compared to you! soo jealous! mind you, i was only a 34aa to start with lol x

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