HOW MUCH FOR A RE OP ROUGHLY? IS IT MORE?! Started by: missprincess

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    Hi, after moaning on the forum (quite a few times lol) that i still want my boobies bigger, im planning to have them re done (probs next yr as just had them done)
    but does anyone know how much more re ops cost? i heard its a bit more as they have to take the oldies out and put newies in and its a bit more complicated.
    I need to know how much to save if anyone is having theirs re done?
    Also i assume they re open the old scars…i dont wanna end up with two lots?!!!
    Please help me!


    i’ve been enquiring about that and have had one quote for


    I think Mya charge 5100 for reop but if you have the


    Hiya. I had a 2nd BA with MYA. A re-aug is more expensive as the operation is slightly longer as the surgeon has to take the old implant out and replace with a new implant. I had my 340cc’s replaced at MYA with 700’ccs the cost was just over


    Hi Emma

    Did you have unders or overs (for your 1st ba and 2nd ba). Just curious cos I have unders and am wondering if I can change to overs.

    Thanks a mill.

    Sam xx


    Ye i would like to know too i had overs but if i had them redone they may have to put them under as i was after a bigger size…dunno how that would work though?


    Hi ladies,
    I had unders with boths BA’s as I had no room. I had 700ccs under the muscle (didnt think you could fit soo much under a breast muscle??). Having under the muscle does make the implant a bit smaller but I found with my first BA that my boobs stayed ”UP” no sagging. I’m not sure if was down to having them under the muscle but i’ve a few friends with implants over and they sagged a bit after a few years. If you can have overs then the implants always look their true size. My 700ccs are not as big as I would have hoped for but I feel this is because they are under the muscle. Emmaxx


    Emma, soz i have sooo many questions !!!Thanks thats been loads of help.
    Emma, So what size were u before your first ba and after u had the 340’s in?
    as i was a small b and went to a big c/small d with 340’s overs and want around 700cc too…so what size would u say u r now if u dont mind me asking?
    Would u still have gone bigger than 700cc if u had known how they were going to turn out?
    Thanks xxx


    Hiya Char,
    I would have had bigger if I’d have had the room. I think having them under the muscle has made them a lot smaller looking. I fit a 32f but they really dont look that big I would say they look more of a DD/E


    Thanks emma thats been loads of help
    I just want the biggest they can fit in me too lol!! Then hopefully i wont be dissapointed again…cannot wait till get mine redone probs will have to be next year though :-(
    Its a bit annoying that after BA they shrink and shrink and shrink…i would mind it if they stayed really big like at the beginning hehe!

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