hey bethanie,
no my boobs is fine. ive called in sick to work today so ive been resting. its just weeping orangey stuff still. im dreading to think what my doctor will say.
sarah xx
hey bethanie! thanks for ur help
good luck with tomorrow
sarah xx
Hi Sarah
So pleased for you – that is very good news. hope you heal quickely. my nusrey mym says still keep it dry as possible!
I am going to see the nurse to have my dressings taken off tommorow – so get to see my scars.
I am scared!
well, i couldnt get a doctors apt this morning! but when i checked the gauze to see if i’d leaked anymore orangey stuff, there was none yaaaay and its sloooowly starting to scab
so im healingggggg! fingers crossed! im so glad i didnt have to go to the doctors! my doctor is horrible, typically old fashioned! he probs would have dropped dead to discover i had a boob job! lol!
thanks for ur support girlies
shall keep you updated on the healing!
sarah xx
hun, dont worry too much if you dont have pain i really doubt the infection (if thats what it is) would be that bad….just keep it extra clean and extra dry! plz let us know if ur ok.
good luck at the doctors – its good there is no heat! let us know how it goes
thanks char! glad you healed ok!
you just instantly think the worst dont you really!
Hiya sarah_x
I had something similar after my BA, when i went to have my stitches out (10days after the op) the skin hadnt fused back properly so it was quite an open wound.
It was weeping but the nurse put a gauze on it, and told me to keep it dry for another 10 days and wash around it. After 10 days i took the gauze up and it had formed a scab, (had to wash my sports bra a few times as it weeped on there still)
i had extra strips to cover it up after coming out the shower for another 2 weeks and dryed it with a hair dryer lol…just had to keep it clean and dry.
Then after a few more weeks the scabs dissapered and it was all fine so hopefully yours will be like that too, i wouldnt worry it may not be very serious…
ok so yesterday i took off my bra and noticed a little yellowish patch on it. it had come from my right incision (had my dressings off on weds). i didnt think too much of it, but i had the same thing when i woke up this morning and ive just checked it now and its happened again!
my mum said my scar has spleyed (?) and that really the stitches were taken out/dissolved too quickly! ive put some gauze on it now, but im just worried
anyone else experienced this?
Hi Sarah
Just readung your worries – good call going to the doctor first – My mum is a nurse, I asked her abd she says it sounds like a little infection that you should just keep clean and dry best you can. – I cant imagine that means the whole implant is effected? Is there alot of heat in right boob in comparison to your left?
i rang the mya hotline this morning and spoke to the head nurse karen. she told me not worry too much about the stuff coming out of boob, just to keep it clean and covered with gauze. she said i can go in to manchester clinic on tuesday. as this is quite far away from where i live (north wales) im going to go to the doctor tomorrow and see what he says before i head up there! argh i hope everythings ok though
and kellg i had quite dry flaky skin after the op. like i started getting dandruff for about a week, and i never get that! and my body was dry too. but it went after about a week.
:cry::cry:Can enyone tell me if they have realy dry skin on their chest after ba its driving me mad ? i had a reaction to the antibiotics so i am thinking it might be that .Have you suffered from this and what did you put on it ? thanx x
Try not to worry too much ,but if it was me i dont care what time it was i would call the 24 hour line because you will only worry and loose sleep tonight .It is their job too be at your beck and call the number is on the card they gave you ,let me no how you get on if you speak to them .
omggggg ive been reading othr forums about other girls who’ve had the same problem and ended up having the whole freakin implant taken out.
this is baaaaad…this might happen to me!! and ive paid all this money arghhhhhh
Hey Sara ,
I would ring your nurse just too be sure ,i dont want to worry you but you might have a little infection .I had to ring the 24 hour line last week because i was vomiting i had a reaction to the antibiotics,but i was so worried i didnt know what was wrong so i called her it was about 11 o clock at night ,if you are worried then ring her tonight after all you have paid a lot of money and thats what their there for.
good luck
nope they dont hurt, just at the end of my right incision its seeping al litte. i voiced my concern on the justbreastimplants.com forum and ive had a reply that this is normal.
but im gna ring my nurse tomorrow and double check! argh these boobs cause me so much worry!
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