Hi girlies, just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all your comments on this forum, they have helped alot with my decision to finally have a BA.
I had my pre-op with Mr Singh last Thursday at Bristol, I am currently a 34AAA (Yes I know very flat chested) I want a natural look and decided to go with Mr Singh’s recommendation which are the 340cc high profile under the muscle, although he couldn’t give me a definate cup size he reckons I’ll be a C cup, possibly a D,
Which ever size I turn out to be I will be happy about….I just want to be able to buy what ever clothes I want from the shops instead of thinking ‘no I can’t buy that top as I’m soooooo flat chested’, also bra’s are a big dilemma for me at the mo as I can only seem to buy my size on the internet…not in the shops!
I am really excited that the date is nearly here!
I had a previous consultation with another mya consultant – he only recommended 300cc, I wasn’t convinced that it was going to take me to a c cup, so nearly bit Mr Singh’s hand off when he said the 340’s LOL!!!
Mr Singh also said that for the first 4 days he will ‘tape me up’ so I won’t have to buy a sports bra till then, which is great as I will have a better idea of the size to buy.
He is a lovely chap and willing to answer any questions – he is very confident and certainly has alot of experience – he also specialises in big bOObs.
I will, of course, keep you informed of my next stage…the big day! and let you all know my experiences and results……
Just wanted to wish you luck for the 14th, i’m at Highgate on Wednesday 19th so just after you
Look forward to reading your story xx
girls ull be fine! every1 at highgate hosp is amazing! nice staff, nice room, nice food….ENJOY! had mine yesterday….remember if ur scared of the canula pain in ur arm ask for numbing cream when the nurse comes to cu first…i did.lol
Hi girlies
It’s 3 days since I had my BA at highgate now!!!
What can I say??? I am in no pain, I had 340cc under the muscle so when i cough it’s a strange “tight” sensation and it’s a wierd feeling but no pain, I only took a couple of painkillers on day 1 and 2 because I was scared that they were gonna hurt!
Mr Singh has very kindly strapped me up with sticky tape and told me to take it off after 4 days and replace with a sports bra – this is a good idea as I will have a better idea as to what size to buy, although a very unattracted and funny look!
My admission time at the hospital was 10am (daycase) although I didn’t actually go down to theatre till 13.10, it was alot of waiting around but the good old tv and friends helped to pass the time. I had tea and toast once awake and also had a 3 course meal before being discharged aroung 8pm ish (my friend also had hers done on the same day but had a later admission time of 12pm, hence why I was there so long)
I was discharged with antibiotics painkillers and anti-inflammatory’s.
I travelled home to sunny cornwall the next day, the journey was fine with just a little discomfort when opening the car door……girls you may want to wear jogging bottoms on the journey home as they’re easy to pull up – you’ll be amazed just how much movement you’re restricted to – I was paranoid I was gonna dislodge mine from under the muscle.
Day 1 and 2 I sat around taking it easy, however day 3 was when my partner was off to work and I had a 2 year old and 11 year old to deal with – I found cooking quite a challenge because of the lack of movement I have and everything seems to be on the top shelf where I can’t reach!
Tonight is my first night that I’m gonna try and sleep in my own bed – I have been sleeping on the sofa as I’m afraid my 2 year old will come into my bed at night and knock me.
Girlies you have nothing to worry about
Any questions please feel free to ask – I found this forum so useful in the run up to my op.
congratulations you did it yeahhhhhh !!!!
I’m going in TOMORROW at Highgate, starting to feel a bit nervous now
So glad that you are not too much pain, especially as you had unders. (i’m having overs) You still need to try and take it real easy, as you don’t want to damage your new assests.
I’m just trying to get my overnight bag ready for tomorrow, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi girlies
On day 4 I took my sticky tape off, which is just that….sticky!
Everything looked fine – no bruising, I still left the white tape on tho as this covered the stitches.
Day 5 I took the family to the Eden project, with the help of my mum! I found this quite hard as my boobs felt heavy and I had to sit down for half an hour (looking back I should have rested and stayed at home instead of over doing it)
I did however drive there and back (40 mins each way) This was so wierd but manageable, power steering does help!
Day 6 went back to Bristol for post op check – the stitches are dissolveable – the wound was checked and healing fine. I AM SO AMAZED MY INCISION MARKS ARE SMALLER THAN I THOUGHT. When Mr Singh draws on you b4 u go down to theatre don’t worry as your incision won’t be that big!! My shower felt like heaven!
Day 7 – yay it’s my birthday – 27! I feel more comfortable and relaxed now, I have just started to pick my 2 year old up again – but very carefully. My driving is back to normal. I am wearing
wow you’ve done a lot already! I only had my op on Wednesday, and haven’t done anything yet apart from click away on this computer!
Happy birthday by the way, and celebrating with new boobies yeahhhhh Try not to overdo it tho, don’t forget you have to heal on the inside as well as the outside! You may feel great, but you don’t want to damage your new additions!
I’m also wearing the
Hi girls
I had mine done on the 19th and had 340cc under was a aa cup before so know how you feel, cant wait to get back in the driving seat. Cant believe the pain was not that bad. them cant stop looking, J9 was it ok to drive???
I found it ok to drive – the powersteering helped to get round the corners! It wasn’t painful at all to drive, just really wierd when changing gears because for the first time ever I have boobs in the way! LOL, I was aware of the muscle when I changed gear, but I got used to the sensation, I’m now 9 days post op and it’s as though I haven’t had a BA at all, my life is back to normal x
good luck with your recovery tyne17 x
congrats on new boobies! you sound like ure recovering well hun, im also having 340cc unders, very nervous tho, im hoping to be D, my op is in 5 days! argh x lol
Hi All, I have been out driving today all was well but rev was a little tricky. Hope all goes well mizzpink23, I am recovering so well a little amazed tho it would be a lot more pain, any questions just ask i was very nervous too. I am going back to work on tuesday so only going to of had 4 days off work, xx
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