MY BA STORY!! Started by: missmanace

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  • missmanace 2

    BA on Aug 4th with Dr Gary Traynor – Manchester Lifestyle

    My scheduled time was 7:30am. I didn


    yay congrats on ur new boobies :)
    i had mr traynor 3 weeks ago in manchester too!
    happy healing xx


    Hi missmanace,
    Congrats on you rnew boobs!!
    I’m getting mine done mext firday at highgate and can’t wait.
    What size where you before? what c did you have?
    wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Suzanne x


    hi missmanace

    Thanks for sharing your experience its made me feel alot better mine is on friday. keep writing how you feel please oh what did you have by the way size etc and what were you before.

    missmanace 2

    Thanks sarah_x, how are feeling after 3 weeks? Im so shocked at the rate they are softening and dropping :) its amazing. Im going to take pictures daily because there changing very fast!

    At first they were very hard due to swelling and went more to my armpits but today (Thursday) they are much softer and have dropped more to the middle :) :)

    Suzzane – I started off a 34 c/d cup and had 380cc overs! I had alot of natural breast tissue and although I dont know my size now they are perfect, look very natural and big yet they fit my frame which is what I wanted!

    I will keep you all updated I know my story was abit long but these storys really helped me! Wierd as this may sound the whole anaesthetic process was nice, I loved the feeling of going under (Katie Price also said this about her BA) I would do it all again lol.

    Good luck with your ops girls, your going to be very happy :)

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