Hiya. I had 700ccs with my 2nd BA.
I was a 32a and had 340ccs under the muscle with my 1st BA this took me to a 32c/32d. I then had these replaced with 700ccs which has taken me to a 32f again these were under the muscle. However they do not look like a 32f more of a dd/e. I feel that because I had them under the muscle they are slighly hidden and do not look their true size. If I’d have had the room I would have gone bigger. The 700ccs are just bigger in circumference and not particularly outwards. I would imagine if you were a 32d with 300ccs then you may have had a bigger bust than what i had to start with (32a), so a 700cc may look bigger on you. Also if you have the 700cc over the muscle I would imagine the implant will look slighly bigger than having under. Hope this helps xx