how long till they soften up? Started by: princess

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  • emma

    Hiya Tanya & kellg,
    2nd time round was sooo much easier. The pain wasn’t half as bad as with the 1st BA I think because you now have a pocket there (increase of breast tissue). I also noticed I never had drains with the 2nd BA and was never bandaged up (big plus point). I just found recovery time was quicker.With the 1st BA I was totally monged out on the painkillers and couldnt move properly for days. I think 2nd time round you sort of know what to expect and how you will feel when you wake up but its so much easier. The only thing thats different on me is the scar is longer as the implant is bigger. I was never told to massage its just something I found helped with softening my boobs. I wanted to keep my old implants but at Highgate for hygeine reasons they do not allow you to take them home. I Think they are destroyed in clinical waste.xx


    hi rosie
    can i ask if uve gone back to wearing nice bras yet?lol 6weeks post op is the limit for going bra-less or being in a sports bra right?



    9 weeks on my left bust is numb particulary at the nipple (2nd BA)..not too concerned though as I lost sensation in both nipples for 6 months with 1st BA but it came back eventually!!! It is worrying though when it happens… xx


    Hi princess, had my BA 6 weeks ago and had 340 unders so they felt prettttty firm after the op haha, they feel A LOT softer now though and have definately moved down slightly since the op. Oh and noticed a few people were wondering about massaging them… had one of my post-op checks with the nurse a couple of days ago and she did mention massaging them as the increased blood flow helps soften them etc. and it also helps the nerve endings go back to normal so you can get all the feeling back. Speaking of which has anyone got any numb patches or did you and have they gone away now? 6 weeks on and some patches particularly on the lower half of my boobs are still quite numb.. hoping this goes away quick! xx


    Hi Lou,
    Oh my …I just read the brochure I was given just before op and it said that you couldnt take them home so never asked. I wish I had now as they were 10 years old!!!!! Was going to frame them!!! hehe xx I’ll wait until 3rd boob job and ask for the 2nd set.(i wish I’d better get saving!!) Thanks for your reply xx


    hi emma

    i had my re op at the highgate and they allowed me to keep my old implants


    Hi KT
    i had only a bit of swelling day 1 and 2, and its all gone now! i felt fine for the past few days (day 5now) and theres nothing too worry about trust me….BUT i was exactly like u b4 mine, very nervous and scared a bit but believe me ull be in very very safe hands and everything will be fine! ull feel some discomfort when sleeping or getting off ur seat etc….but nothing major, its day 5 and ive started doing the usual things for myslef and i feel fine.:) if u have any particular questions dont hesitate to ask, i know what its like, even minor things can stress u out b4 hand so ask away.



    Hi Maya

    May I ask, how is the swelling going?? I keep imaging the swelling to be up to your chin or something like that!! I’m hoping when I have mine done that I will be feeling right as rain after a few days?? Is that not the case at all?? I’m just getting really nervous, and my op isnt until another month yet!!!!




    hi emma
    thanks for ur advice.keep it coming!lol i already look forward to my second one in 10-15years, how bad is that? hahaha….3days post op and already planning to take my vanity to the next level…nice!lol

    thanks again


    ladies, does anyone know how long it will take for the implants to drop and soften up abit?


    HI Emma,
    I had my ba four weeks ago and no one has said enything about massarging them as you have had two do you no? and if i do how meny weeks post op thanx kerry x


    Hi Emma,

    I was told that it is a good 6 months or more before they drop into place also.
    Did you notice anything different with your new BA than 10 years ago ? I know it sounds a silly question but has much changed ? was there any difference with pain or operation or after care etc ? I have also been told that they should be replaced after about 10-15 years. Did you keep your old implants as a souvenir ? LOL



    Hehe you make me laugh!!! Its recommended to change them after 10 – 15 years but i dont think you have to…not too sure though???. After 10 years I needed them hard and up there again hehe!!! hence 2nd BA 9 weeks ago!! yep hard and up there again…better get massaging hehe xxxx
    Its never ending this quest for vanity …after 1st BA I was soo happy but had 2nd ba years later ..mmmm.. now i’m bigger!!! what are us women like!! Emmaxx


    hehehe…no we will NEVER B HAPPY! lol dont we have to replace them after 10-15 years? if so, u can have them hard and up there again! thanks for ur reply though, u saved me from looking in the mirror and groping myself every 2mins.hehehe….(only 3days post op!)



    I’d give it a good 6 months. I regularly massaged my boobs which helped. Its funny as you were just like me all those years ago…oh when will they soften and fall in to place i use to say to myself…then ”when they do” you think mmm I liked them being firm and ”up there”. Will us women ever be happy.. hehe. Glad everything went ok. If you have any questions then dont hesitate to ask. emmaxx


    12months?????? :( i was hoping a few weeks…lol thanks emma, i wont expect too much now then. xxx


    Hiya Princess.
    Give your boobs a good 6 -12 months. I had my first BA’s for 10 years and after 12 months they were soft and dropped nicely. You will find they are hard and ”up there” for quite a few months….however after a few years beleive me they drop further so enjoy them being firm and high. Always wear a good bra and your boobies should do you proud xx

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