31st august anyone esle booked in for this date? Started by: catkins

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  • catkins

    Hi Girlys,

    I am booked in to have my boobies done on the 31st is anyone else booked in on this day, would be really nice to have a friend to talk to who knows how u feel etc

    Claire xx


    hi ya, me and my sis are both booked in for that date so keep in touch and maybe we can compare notes haha. What size implants you goin for? x oh are you at highgate?


    Hi Jamiemay,

    Yes i am at highgate, not got a time yet as they said i will get that a week before i go in, i am having 525cc, what about you? .

    Claire xx


    Hi Claire, me and my sis are due in at 9 and 9.30. She goin first and having 410 overs, he said she would be around a 34dd. She a 34b now. I had an enlargement 9 years ago so im goin bigger but still cant decide what size to go for, 615 or 700cc sounds really big but once they take these implants out god nows what size i will be. Was a 32b to begin with and want to be an f cup. How about you? x


    Keep in touch as i would like to know how you feeling and what surgeon you having x



    Had my ba yesterday went with 525cc under, mr singh said he changed his mind when i got in there as my skin was quiet thin and it would of looked silly if he went over. he said it would feel like 2 elephants sitting on my chest and boy he was not wrong lol, pain has eased a bit today but i have had quiet a lot of pain relief at the hospital and i have kept on top of it at home as well. very swallon as well, got my post op on the 8th how long does the swelling take to go down.


    HI Catkins, hope your feeling ok, hope the pain starts to settle soon and you recover well. 5 weeks until mine, seems ages away! lol nervous already!

    Keep us informed with how you are x x


    Hi Catkins, how did you find it with mr singh? i have my consultation with him on the 7th sept, am nervous/excited! x


    Hi girls,

    defo feeling a lot better today the pain is easing and the sorness is calmed right down. got my post op on the 8th sept so excited to get the bandages off i am in a e cup at the moment but it is to small for me lol i am busting out over the top. i think i should be in more of a f cup. mr singh is brilliant i can not fault him him in anyway and he was brilliant after the surgery spent some time with me explaining how i would feel over the next couple of days. hope this helps



    thanks and congratulations on your new boobs! I can’t wait now!! x

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