I think this discussion should be left now. I have nothing else to comment on the matter.
i just said why i didnt choose to come with MYA as i had heard bad things about one of the surgeons. This comment will probs be deleted as well its ridiculous theyre supposed to be professional surgeons and they dont let people put what they really feel on their forum if its bad…lol
oh 3 implants in one boob lol. surely that cant be true its sounds sooo wrong
Hi Lollipop,
I read your comments about the surgeon a few days ago which have been removed and i must admit I was very shocked to read them and i had a feeling that they would be removed and I’m glad it has to be honest. It was not particularly worded very well . Mya’s founder/chairman is John Ryan (i’ve mentioned this previously in an earlier message on this topic) who has OVER 25 YEARS in the cosmetic industry. He built up Transform in to a multi million pound company which he sold in 2002. Mya was founded by him a fews years later. ALL Mya surgeons are FULLY qualified to the highest standards/credentials possible…dont you think having the experience of John Ryan behind the company you would only expect the HIGHEST standards of surgeons in the country !!!. The surgeon in question you mentioned did my BA in June this year at MYA and I found him to be absolutely fantastic and I will definately choose him for my 3rd BA or any other proceedures I will have done.. I did lots of research regarding him and found it all to be fantastic. He has also done work on a very well known ”larger breasted celebrity”. Also the nurses told me when I was at Highgate that in this particular hospital only the BEST SURGEONS perform here!!!. As for 3 implants….don’t you think with modern technology today that you could make a 1500cc plus implant to order …..its nonsense!! Also your comment on MYA advertising …well I totally disagreed with what you put. MYA’s website is vibrant,trendy and really inviting it has to be!!!. Having cosmetic surgery is all about looking and feeling good ,who wants to look at a website with dull colours,boring models etc… its 2009 we want ”UP TO DATE AND MODERN”. Which other cosmetic company has a forum or dares to have a forum?? How many celebrity magazines are there out there that women of all ages buy ..yes all glossy and enticing….Companies have to stand out to be noticed..or why bother!!
Dont always BELEIVE EVERYTHING you read off the internet… do you read a newspaper and beleive everyting written???…Unless you have concrete, factual , proveable legal evidence… then i really wouldn’t write it…IF NOT AT ALL!! particulary on a forum as it could be classed as slanderous in some instances. Its not fair on other MYA Clients to read this on the forum and can cause unrest which is uncalled for . I’m sorry if you do not agree with me but this is my view and I would thoroughly recommend MYA to anyone. When I read your message I was taken back so can you imagine how other people felt who haven’t had their BA’s yet??. It was not fair to the surgeon in question (who is brilliant) and not fair to MYA ….very one sided I thought. This forum is a great way of communication by asking/answering questions regarding surgery and I’ve learnt so much from it and regularly use it still 10 weeks after BA…. i’ve also had a good laugh at times!!! I am sorry for the long message but I felt I had to write a response of my views on this.
Anyway no hard feelings and I hope it all works out with your BA.
Emma – well said! I totally agree with you. x
Hiya missmanace,
Thanks for your reply and it’s good to hear somebody else agrees with me.
I agree with you too Emma – well said, and thanks for all your great comments on this forum
Thanks Jacqui,
Glad you agree….anytime on the forum just ask!! Emxxx
Well i was going to writew a response myself but think you have done a great jo emma and said all needed sayin, totally agree xx
Well done emma I totally agree with your comments
lol, i was just tryin to help all the boob-jobers out there by sharing the information which helped me make my decision! aand i did say im sure MYA have had a lot of success stories but i was giving my reason why i didnt choose them…. maybe my comment was a bit one sided but if you do search the specific surgeon that i mentioned you will find several negative comments about him AS WELL as many good ones! but what is the point of this forum if mya delete all the negative comments? as for the three implants – the article was on times online and of course i dont believe everyything i read in the papers.. soo you can judge that yourself whether you believe it or not..
Yeh i agree that i thought that MYA would have the best surgeons and im sure they are really excellent surgeons – judging from the comments on the forum every1 seems really happy! (unless the bad ones have been deleted that is lol ) plusthere are many comments on other forums non-associated with MYA about how good they are so im not denying that – but i was advised to go with a surgeon who had the FRCS(Plast) qualification and the specific surgeon from MYA doesnt have it…
Yes he did Jordans first boob job as you mentioned but did you ever wonder why he didnt do the rest?
im really honestly sorry if i caused people to be unsure or worried about upcoming BAs with MYA i honestly did not mean to do that and i didnt think about that before emma mentioned it and that was wrong of me.
I still believe your message was a little bit more than negative and was not written in a particularly nice manner. However everybody makes their own choices regarding companies/surgeons. You just have to consider how your comments/allegations ,etc, come across and the impact it can have on the people reading them thats all.
perhaps mya should consider how their surgeons come across on other forums where you are allowed to speak freely and maybe should delete all of those negative comments too! i think you should understand that not every1 has had the amazing experience that you may have had and those people should be free to express their concerns without being made to feel bad by people who are overly defensive about mya. Plus i was actually thinking about the impact it can have on people that were gonna read it, i was trying to give some good advice! if you’re gonna have a BA and pay all that money u wana go to the best place dont you? – i was answering the forum question “Don’t you think its better to pay more for a BA than MYA company, so you get better quality?” if some1s asked a question surely they’d like to hear both sides of the story….and my answer was Yes you can get better quality than MYA at the same or cheaper price elsewhere! So shoot me!?
Umm was it bad what you put lollipoppy?
I’m not being funny everyone but you go on about surgeons and companies, do you realise that most of these surgeons are not dedicated to one company, so companies haven’t got much to do with it, they do their procedures here and for overseas companies aswell, so talking about the way companies present themselves or advertise has very little to do with it. Surgeons who perform for mya also do with tranform and loads of others, they do not technically work for the company that you go to see them at. There are hundreds and hundreds of cosmetic surgery companies out there, different prices different surgeons different everything, trying to decide is not easy and if people have all these questions then they should shop around and go to different consults ask the questions that they want to and see how they feel, you can never truly rely on other peoples opinions as some are always good and some are always bad the only way you know is if you go see for yourself!!!
very true but sometimes it can be really time consuming and pricy to go to so many consultations
Hiya Lollipoppy,
What was the comment you wrote which was removed about, i’m assuming it’s a negative comment about BA?? I was just wondering because i’m always hearing good stuff on this forum and it seems too good to be true, i think hearing the negative side would be good for me, i’m having my BA done on the 28th august, and at the moment im going to it without a care in the world because all i’ve heard are good reviews.
I think you should go on the sofeminine website and search the surgeon (not MYA) as they give a less bias view about the surgeons as its not a surgery company. Please dont worry as there are lots and lots of good comments about the surgeons on there too, theres always gonna be a couple of negative ones but they dont let them overide the good ones – it just helps you go in with a realistic view – which is the healthiest view to go into surgery with ecspecially when it’s cosmetic. They removed my comment because i said something bad about their advertising x x x
Hi Lui, I just wanted to intervene and say that it is extremely rare that MYA need to remove posts. The post from Lollipoppy was removed as she wrote some information about one of the MYA surgeons which they did not believe to be factually correct.
Thanks for your forum comment and if you have any questions your Patient Co-ordinator will be more than happy to discuss anything with you.
lollipoppy-hi-I cant find anything out about any surgeons on the sofem website.I put in search and nothing comes up.I was thinking I had made up my mind on which surgeon but now I have had a re-think as this is the 2nd negative comment I have read just recently for the exact surgery am needing:(I need an impalnt that will fill out my boobs after breastfeeding and weight loss.One place said I was borderline needing uplift so I was hoping to get away with just an implant as can not afford uplift and I don’t want scarring.I will see a few more surgeons before making a decsion.I am unsure of exactly what qualifications I should be looking for?Thought they just had to be registered baaps?XX
Hi ladies,
I had my BA with Mr Singh last week and can’t praise him enough.
I fully researched the surgeon and company before making my decision and I am so happy with the result.
I came across no negative feedback regarding Mr Singh on the internet and different forums.
Suzanne x
Hi Soniarobin
All 4 companies i went to said i def needed an uplift, my nipples were pointing towards the floor. If you can get away with just a ba def go for it. I have scars around the nipple and down (like a lolly), Mya was the only company who offerred scars like this, all the others said my scars would be round the nipple down and under the breast. Im 4 wks post op now and the scars are very good, just started to use bio oil. At first sight i was really shocked at them but now there is a big difference and improving every day.
I liked harley too, they are YGA aswell. Liked the idea of the chauffer lol.
My breast was the ist one i went to, they were ok but i didnt really like the surgoens pics – and the pics were a major thing for my decision
Good luck, let me know how you get on x
Hi Ticky- I am just concerned as I have just read an account of a girl with boobs like mine who ended up with huge boobs saggig to the floor after she was told she could manage with just a b/a alone.i can’y afford an uplift anyway but i don’t want to make my boobs worse.I guess I will have to chat through everything with Dr.Singh and ask his honest opinion.I f he thinks I am okay without an uplift I will make sure there is a back up plan should he be wrong-I guess mya will provide this kind of after care if it is their fault?I think I need to see before and after pics of girls with boobs like mine who have just had b/a, no uplfit and ask which surgoen did it as i also like the sound of Dr.Adamo.
What is yga?Harley had brill pics of an uplift where scars hardly show and the girls boobs were much worse than mine(I didn’t think it possible!!)Thanks for advice ,Sonia xx
Hi soniarobin – opps – I mean WGA, its short for Why go abroad for Surgery and is part of the Hospital group – sorry i get hospital group and harley mixed up lol – The hospital group is in the same building as Mya at Manchester.
I know what you mean, you dont want to go throught a ba and then still not be happy.
How big are you now?
Before i lost weight i was a 42C then after losing 3 stone went to a 38 saggy B, had 325cc implants and now 38D. I am really pleased with size and shape, they feel quite soft as had them over the muscle as had lots of breast tissue.
I just went with my instinct, you will know whats right and who to choose – even tho i had many doubts lol x
I used to be a36 d/dd but now am a very empty b cup.i have never had no boobies before and I hate it-I am even considering gaining weight again to fill em out but I hated being bigger-though i am struggling to keep weight down now:(
I wish i could rush my time to see Dr.Sing but can’t go till kids back at school and hubby gets time off for my youngest one-can’t keep going to different consultants, too expensive and a lot of hassle.Beginning to think it’l never happen!xx
MYA and Transform are part of the same company?!!!!
Hi Janey,
MYA had me sign a form to let my doctor know that i wa having the BA and they really check your medical history. I have a thyroid problem and had to get a copy of my last blood test results before the surgery.
MYA so far have been great and what the girls say on the forum of the company couldn’t be better.
Yes i agree, its only the deals that they do that makes them cheaper and more affordable, hence the reason so many people go to them. I also agree with suzanne about the medical history but, i had to sign a form consenting them getting in touch with my doctor, and had to go over health issues with them. So really dont think there are any problems with them at all…xx
I had my first BA with transform and at the time it was my choice whether I wanted them to contact my GP that was 10 years ago its obviously changed now. The Chairman of MYA John Ryan founded Transform and sold it back in 2002. He then founded MYA so I would not say MYA is a cheaper alternative . I found that a lot of the surgeons work around companies and some of the surgeons at MYA may also perform ops for Transform and other cosmetic companies . I was 100% happy with MYA. My re-aug was
I went to transform first and i opt out in letting them get in touch with my doctor, it is the same anywhere u go, it is your choice if u let them contact ur doctor or not. hope this helps. but i am now going in for my ba on the 31st august with mya as i felt the consulation was so much better and in depth then transform.
Claire xx
hi janey, me and my sis are both goin with mya after our consultation with transform and we had to sign all the relevent forms about contacting our doctors. We both found that mya were much more professional regards to any health problems we may have had and also mr singh checked for any lumps. I hope you make the right decision and good luck with who ever you choose. x
Hiya Jaimemay,
Mr Singh is fab he did my 2nd BA. Good luck with whatever you decide xx
I paid
I agree…seems a bit strange using the mya forum to tell everyone your booked in at Transform???
John Ryan the chairman of MYA founded Transform and sold it in 2002. He then founded MYA xx
lol Emma..
They may well be part of the same of company, I didnt know that. However they are obviously not run the same way hence the different names and prices.
They are definately seperate companies it would be too much of a conflict of interests. Just googled John Ryan and it said he sold Transform for over 20 million in 2002 he had a break then founded MYA a few years later xx
I thought it was strange having two seperate companys because it would of made sense to just have one good one! xx
Hiya ,
Its what swayed me to MYA I thought well if they have John Ryan who has been in the cosmetic world since the 1970’s built up a 20million plus company Transform sold it and now has MYA … it must be good. xx
I am 5 days post op and am bearing up very well, just been tonight to have my straps off and can I say how pleased I am with what Mr Kazzazi has done.In my eyes MYA are definitely the best as they give you all round care. They have been concerned all the way through and have made me feel very confident and I have spoken to lots of girls who have used MYA and not one is disappointed. If you can have a preference and dont know any one then definitely opt for Mr Kazzazi. Doncaster staff are excellent also if this helps.
I had a tummy tuck and had to issue a letter to my GP to notify of surgery and to tell her that they were allowed access to records if needed. I suffer with an under active thyroid and they had to check my levels before going ahead. As I was just starting teatment for it too they needed to be informed!
Hi JaneyH:)I , like you am unsure of whether or not I am using MYA or someone else but this forum is a fab way of getting to understand the procedure, terminology and to compare prices/sizes of different places.I was also wondering if MYA ok cos the are cheaper but as I emailed to you(only a few mins ago though)-MYA quoted me the same price as harley street did for an uplift and implant
Hi Janeyh – Im 3 wk post op after having an uplift with implants 325cc – i went to 4 diff companies, My breast, Transform, YGA and found MYA by far the best. I felt they have been there every step of the way, I felt tranform treat you like a number. Mya gave the personal/genuine touch. Mya were the cheapest after discounts etc,
Hi Ticky, I am assuming that you had an uplift aswell as ba for that price?Can I ask how MYA determined you needed an uplift?Did all companies say the same?I am off to see mybreast in a couple weeks but mya is the only one I have booked a 2nd consultation with so far-tho I did like Harley too they refused to do any surgery until6months after I finished breastfeeding.xx
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