Excersie limitations -help! xxx Started by: bethanie

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  • bethanie 1


    Please can anyone who has already been through this help me?
    I am 2 wks post op and feel great, able to do everything but being careful with lifting etc, I know we are not advised to excersice for at least the 1st month but can anyone tell me why if we are pain free? My surgeon said if I strap myself up I can try at 3 wks? but I am unsure and dont want to do any damage?

    doing nothing is driving me insanse and I have already put and inch on all over as I am normally an exercise freak>



    I went back to the gym at 6 weeks. I like to do lots of free weights and weight machines etc. I found I had to be very careful even at 6 weeks as I could feel my insision pulling so I reduced the weights I’d normally do and kept off the rowing machine. I’m 10 weeks on and I must say exercising is a whole lot easier. The scar is still in its infancy of healing at 3 weeks so any over stretching at the gym could do it damage I would imagine??. Its really recommended to resume normal activity (gym etc) after 6 weeks maybe even a bit longer…. but slowly and gradually . I hated not been able to go to the gym as I felt really lazy especially as I felt completely fine!!. Always wear your sports bra though when you do start back at the gym. xxx


    im a gym freak too and only 8days post op….thanks emma for ur input….i feel so horrible and paranoid that im gonna get fat and lose all my muscle tone…. :( but i guess its better to wait…



    Hiya princess,
    I felt even worse when I got on the scales with my new 700ccs….put at least 4llbs on arrgh..well hoping it was the new boobies hehe!! Glad I’m back at the gym now xxx


    lol…i know how u feel… :( im panicing loadz but watching what i eat .lol work hard at the gym chick, for all the rest of us who cant go yet! hehehe


    shaniebaby -1

    I was told not to exercise until i had my final 12 wk check with surgeon and he would tell me if it was okay.Yeah ur implants do weigh a bit,it will tell u on the card you were given at the hospital-mine way about 2.4 lb.

    Ang x

    bethanie 1

    thanks for the advice – maybe I will just go on lots of walks before I start lifitng etc as you all say. so it is becuase of the healing on the scars. 12 wks seems an awful long time – I have horses and I cant leave them for that long not ridden (may get on at 3 wks for a walk our?! does any on else ride?)
    I have a date with my surgeon for 4wks on do maybe it is best to wait for then. dont want to do any real damage.

    Thanks for the advice about the weight on the card – I have not been able to bring myself to weigh – I would be really depressed otherwise :-)

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