PAINFUL – 7 DAYS POST OP ANYONE ELSE?? Started by: pussycat

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    All I seem to read everyday is that no one has any pain, either I’m a real wimp or no one is saying. I am also very swollen, and still needing to take things easy. I am assured this is normal and understand everyone is different but it would be nice to hear if anyone is feeling it too??:cry:


    Hi sweets,

    I think everybody prepares for the fact that it will be very very painful and when it comes to the crunch it isnt as bad as they had thought (generally). I personally felt like someone was constantly sitting on my chest, so heavy (not like an elephant heavy, but more like someone holding me down) but bearable. I cried a bit but I think it was more to do with the anaesthetic actually, making me a bit sensitive. Have you got any painkillers left?
    I started to feel more normal after 10 days. I had my implant under muscle so it took a bit more stretching on my tissues etc and they looked like cones lol. I kept getting the shooting pains so I was twitching a lot but it was not too bad. I did not tell my dad (only my mum) and he did not notice even :))) I went from AAA to C.
    If it is really bad, call the nurse perhaps as she may recommend you a painrelief if the one you have isnt working.
    Dont suffer in silence sweets x


    Hi Girls
    Can i ask if your boobs and or nipples still feel numb, when do the sensation come back?


    cupkake – thanks for that I was beginning to think I had something wrong with me. I find that one side is more swollen than the other which is also strange but the nurse says thats natural too I suppose we are all different. I cant wait to start feeling more normal although I do have to say each days is a little better. Apparently I had alot of anaesthetic so maybe its that still I dont like being in pain all the time. I am taking pain killers evey 4 hours.

    Natuk – boobs def still a bit numb but not nipples, it is common apparently to have no feeling in your nipples and can take a few weeks to come back so I wouldnt worry.


    Hi Pussy cat,

    Hope your feeling a bit better today? What surgeon did you have huni, and did they use drains on you? x x

    shaniebaby -1

    Hi pussycat
    I found the medication they gave me was making me feel very ill so i stopped after 2 days and the nurse did say the tablets may make u feel horrible.I also had 1 boob alot more swollen than the other but was’nt really in much pain-kept getting a burning pain in 1 boob though.Have u had ur strapping off yet?

    Ang x

    missmanace 2

    Hi hun

    I was in alot of discomfort at the end of my first week. I cried loads and was really emotional, kinda felt sorry for myself lol. Im 11 days post op now and although Im not in any pain I still get the odd twinges, mainly from my incision site and Im still swallon they dont move alot atm. Starting to move when I walk now like a natural boob would but not massively. Im due to take off my tape thats covering my stitches this weekend which will leave my incisions bare, im not looking forward to that one bit. Apparently Ive got to sit in a full bath filled with baby wash for half an hour so that the tape peels off easily. Did you have overs or unders? I had overs which might explain why I felt ok straight away! – Has anyone noticed that there nipples and the area above your incision is still numb? x

    fiona 1

    Hi girls
    I’m 7 weeks post op and everything has just about settled apart from a little numbness under my left boob near the incision, nipples can be very sensitive still! I’m still getting small twinges in my left boob now, as I had under the muscle it feels a bit like muscle pain. My nurse did say it will take up to 2 years before I’m fully healed inside which I was quite surprised about!
    Pussycat – Around 7-10 days post op I was still finding I was getting a bit of pain, more so after having sticky bandage removed so took painkillers but soon settled after that. Just take it easy, don’t do too much, its important to take good care of yourself, you’ve paid good money for your boobies :)
    Hope you’re all doing okay and enjoying your new boobs!!!!


    hi everyone thank you so much for your comments, still feel really rough today and in alot of pain but perhaps im just having it worst than most. I have had the strappings off its not so much of the swelling that I cant cope with its the bad pains I am getting that knock me for six anyway I am going to persevere and if still bad by monday I am going to go back to speak to consultant.

    Thanks again

    fiona 1

    Bless you hun. Are you wearing a sports bra? x


    no I am wearing post op bra from asda which is really comfortable. I am starting to wonder if my body does not like them but the nurse says I would have known by now so not to worry. I am going to have to take next week off work (had first week off as annual leave) cos not well enoough to go back. Perhaps its my age cos im 46 maybe when you are older it takes longer to recover lol. you see when you say you took painkillers and then the pain went I dont seem to be having that I am still taking pain killers ever 4 hours. Did yous swell alot and did the swelling take along time to go down?


    fiona 1

    Ok, I wondered if you were told not to wear a bra as some surgeons say you don’t need to. I had more pain once the dressings were removed as my boobs were just free to move and it was really uncomfortable/painful, more so at night. Did you just have an enlargement over the muscle? It all depends upon your pain threshold too so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I do think that as we get older things do take longer to heal, I’m 30 by the way. My friend had hers done 7 years ago when she was 40 but she had problems because she didn’t have a spleen so she didn’t heal very well. I think it took a week or 2 for the swelling to go fully but then it can take longer. I had 2 weeks off work to be sure, I certainly wasn’t ready to go back after the first week! x


    I was in a lot of pain with my first BA for at least a week I really struggled to be mobile..I couldn’t even put my key in my car door for a week. It was a lot easier with 2nd BA. Dont worry everything will settle down. Have you had them under muscle as this can make you have a little more pain ( as the muscle is cut slightly). Mine were under, everytime I breathed my ribs killedxx

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