BA and weight loss??!! Started by: myaamy

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  • myaamy

    Hi everyone!

    I had my BA done about 8weeks ago and wow there great the best thing i have ever done!

    Only thing is, is that i wont to loose abit of weight, about half a stone would be nice :) but im dont sure how this would affect my new breasts as i dont want them to get smaller or look like they are starting to sag as i know thats what can happen when you loose weight before an BA :(

    Please can anyone help?

    Amy x x


    hiya amy! as far as i understand losing half a stone wouldn’t have an affect on your boobs. i think it’s when you start losing stones that it really affects them, but i’m not 100% xxx


    Hi Amy when i came for my consultation i asked Mr Singh about this and he said to lose the weight first before the operation. I asked him why and he told me it may alter the shape of my breasts, so i would check first.


    hi i lost alot of weight before my op, thats a reason why i had them done, i actually asked my surgeon what would happen if i put weight back on, he said they would just fill out a bit more but nothing dramatic, so i think if you dont loose too much it wont matter, it will be your own breast tissue that will alter so it will be minimal really..x


    half a stone wont do owt to them!! i wanna loose that aswell! i had my ba done 7 weeks ago! but i do wanna be a size 10 X

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