Hi, has anybody had a BA then had a baby? and does it change the shape of your breasts dramatically? Started by: janeyh

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    Bottle feeding is defo the easier option hun but I promise you that breastfeeding is so worth it all.I had a friend who was disgusted that I had breastfed, she had bottlefed her 2girls from day one.After I got to know her during our pregnancies(her third, my fourth)and told her all the benefits of breastfeedingshe decided just to try it.I was worried she would hate me forever after she gave birth but just a few weeks later she came to me and said she only regrets not feeding her other2-she loves the bond and loves that fact that she has provided her son with immunity to all sorts of illnesses/disease etc She breastfed until he was22months and her boobs are back to normal-lucky thing,she beautiful 2!not fair;)
    p.s. The only time I am ever slim is when breastfeeding-you can eat at least an extra 500calories a day!!I am normally a size12/14 but am a 6/8 when feeding!


    hi girls,
    im having my ba on 14th oct. i have a 2 year old but me and my partner def want more children, i also dont wanna wait that long to get preg, im thinkin early next year??? im hoping that my boobs wont change much, i didnt breast feed my son and i dont intend to brest feed the next baby either. has anyone had a ba then fallen preg more or less soon afetr the ba?? i would like to hear ur stories.?


    Hi charliesmith 16 ive got 3kids&breastfeed last one for 10months but she feed from one after 4months for a further 6months so my boobs r odd!My surgeon said i needed an uplift aswell as implants which made me feel a bit gutted just wanted plain ba!Gota have under the muscle too.Going in on sat 19th.Didnt want extra scarring to b honest.x


    There is another forum page on here asking that Bec-have a look down the recent hot topics hun.It basically turns out different for different girls.Some been fine with breastfeeding after b/a ,boobies stayed fine-one after her7th baby!!!Others had sagging and wanted uplift but that prob would happened just from pregnancy.I have breastfed all mine and after first3my boobs went back to normal after my fourth they sagged but think it may be cos I now in my 30s, others in my teens/early20s:)Don’t think breastfeeding makes them sag, it just pregnancy cos they balloon when fill with milk which happens even if bottlefeed x


    Hey girls,
    really good subject! I had my ba 2 months ago but i wanted to know if anyone got pregnant soon after their’s (within a year) and if it had any affect on your boobs?


    Oh thank the lord , there is hope for me??One boob is borderline the other is nearly borderline and I can not possibly afford the uplift.I keep looking for pre op pics for boobs like mine and see if they needed uplift-some have it , some daon’t and both look fine.Guess it down to surgeons work and how the breast pulls??


    Can advise from my sister who has had 7 kids (you read that right) & had ba after no 6 as she did not plan no 7 (who would). She said (& I can vouch for it) there were no problems and she has successfully breastfed ALL her kids and her boobs still look fabulous and baby no 7 is now 2 years old.
    She lives in NZ & was going to inform her surgeon that she successfully breastfed after her ba ( have told her to buy a tv instead of trying to populate the southern hemisphere!).
    Hope that helps.
    Rachel x
    ps I only have 3 kids in case you think I am just as crazy!!!


    hey girls! i am in the same boat as you! i have 2 boys 19months and 10months, and i want 4 kids ideally. unfortunatly breastfeeding didnt work out with my first, and i have just about 4 months ago finished breastfeeding my second. i have only had my consultation with my pc but she said i may need uplift as well. I personally dont look in the mirror and think i need an uplift but hey! i have my conultation with mr adamo
    at the end of september. and if he thinks i need an uplift i will not have the surgery as i want to breastfeed future children. (not tht i can afford a ba and uplift! ) will be interesting to hear more peoples comments,



    Janeyh, I’m in a similar situation to you, I already have 2 children but would like another one in a few years time. It won’t stop me getting ba but as others have said I expect I will bottle feed this time x


    Thankyou everyone !! i definately want another baby in 5 years time (when my BA loan paid ha ha!!) so you have all put my mind at rest!.


    Hi Soniarobin,
    Thanks for your reply its has been a great help. Planning to have another baby end of this year so its been nice to read your honest comments. xxx


    I have two kids, and i am having my BA on 14th Spetember, however i do want another baby in about 5 years.
    People keep saying its best i don’t have anymore kids, but katy rpice and loads of other celebs have had boob jobs and babies?.

    I am definatley going ahead with the BA and i definately want one more baby in 5 years.
    Has anybody had a Ba then got pregnant later??.



    It would be useful to hear from any ladies who have breast fed with implants. I just want to know if it has the same effect as it does with normal boobs. Bottle feeding seems the easier option but I think reading other stories may make me think differently.


    Yikes it was Janeys question-sorry Emma!!God I think I would be better off investing in braincells rather than a b/a!!


    p.s-sorry for the capital letters-I didn’t notice I had hit the caps lock!
    Emma-I know b/a is a lot of money which is why I have waited so long to get mine done-wanted to have all my kids first-however, if I do happen to have another child I wouldn’t miss breastfeeding for the world-it is the most wonderful thing and worth way more than the thousands of pounds a b/a costs.Ask on sofemenine website-some other girls out there may have a few more positive replies to your question hun xx


    Hi all-I breastfed my first3children and although my boobs drooped initially after I finished feeding they soon plumped back up again-about6/12months later.My tummy also went back to it’s usual state!My boobs were better than a couple of friends who had their babies at same time but didn’t breastfeed-my midwife said that cos when you breastfeed you slowly change their shape as the baby feed less whereas those who bottlefeed still get huge boobs when milk comes in but when don’t feed the boob deflates rapidly-like bursting a balloon rather than letting it down slowly!!After feeding my 4th child(6years later and in my thirties rather than20s)my tummy has not gone back and my breasts are very empty-I think if i WAITED A YEAR OS SO SOME PLUMPNESS WOULD COME BACK BUT i KNOW it is possible that age won’t allow this to happen!A girl i know with boob job breastfed her daughter for 15months and she has no problems-her boobs just the same but she was warned before hand they may sag as a usual boob would with pregnancy and breastfeeding-she now pregnant with second so will see how she goes.


    Yeah your probably right..think i’ll stick to bottlefeeding the next baby I have. I’d be gutted if my new boobs I had done in June went mis shapen etc, plus cant afford a another new pair for a while!!! xx

    missmanace 2

    I was told by my surgeon child birth doesnt effect your boobs after having a BA! I havent had children yet and personally wouldnt breast feed, however I could imagine breast feeding making a difference to your breast. From what iv read about other women whos breast fed thats the reason they needed a BA in the first place! I think when I finally do have children (im only 21 so hopefully a while yet) I will wear a well supported bra throughout and not breastfeed!



    I’d my 1st implants for 8 years then I had a baby. It did not really effect them. They did go bigger and firm during the 9 months of pregnancy. After giving birth my boobs filled up with milk and they did go huge and really sensitive but this settled down after a few days. It is perfectly safe to breast feed with impants but I bottlefed. The only reason for this is that my friend breastfed and unfortunately her baby was rather a hungry baby and after a few months her impants were a bit mis shapen and had lots of ripples. She ended up having them re done. It just put me off a bit breast feeding as I was worried this might have happened to mine. I found mine settled down nicely after pregnancy and found no major changes. Has anyone breast fed with implants and their boobs have been ok afterwards? I would like another baby and really want to breastfeed this time so it would be useful to know this.
    I have now had a 2nd BA but it was just to increase the size only …nothing to do with being unhappy with how my old implants looked after pregnancy as they just looked the same.xx


    haha i know people that have had a ba then had children and they’ve been fine, no changes…i’m 29, have a 11yr old (goin on 18) and i’d still like at least one more x


    I bloody hope not!! I’m 27 and haven’t had kids yet and I want them!!!!

    Someone reply quick!!!!!!!



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