Unders and Overs Started by: leanne

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  • leanne

    I’ve been fine with having overs…however a lady i know asked me last week if I’m having the implants under or over the muscle (she has had a boob job too) and when I said over she looked horrified!!!!!
    Has anyone had them over and if so – are they ok??? Is there any major difference between having them over or under?

    Thanks :-)

    missmanace 2

    Hi Leanne

    Iv also had overs, I had a very pert C cup before so I had enough breast tissue. Im so glad I went with overs, they look very natural and I recovered very fast! I havent got any rippling, infact I cant even feel the implant. So yes mine are ok, great in fact!

    I wouldnt listen to other people, as long as your happy with yours then I really wouldnt worry hun. You find people tend to have an opinion on things, especially when they opted for a different option.

    My surgeon said there is no difference in overs or unders just some people dont have enough breast tissue, but you will find if a surgeon can get away with doing overs they will as its less complicated!

    From what ive researched there isnt much difference in complications with overs or unders they each have the same amount of pros and cons.



    Thanks for your reply MissManace – you’ve put my mind at rest now. Thank you :-) x

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