Can’t believe it’s finally my time to write my story. I always enjoyed reading other’s accounts of their BAs so I wanted to share mine too.
My op was on 16th Oct at Highgate. My admission time was 10am and my nerves started kicking in when they take me into my room for the day. Room was comfortable and the nurse came in straight away to do the pregnancy test and ask questions etc. Dr C came in later to draw on me and told me to be patient for a few hours. I was then ridiculously nervous and couldn’t keep still! However, this soon passed and at 1.00, they took me through to put me to sleep. A quick needle in the arm, followed by a dull ache as it went up my arm (I didn’t like the feeling of this!) and the next thing I knew, I was told that it was over! I didn’t even feel like I’d gone to sleep!
I was then wheeled back into my room and told to sleep for an hour. The pain was really bad straight away but the nurse told me to rest and I’d feel differently. An hour of bad pain later, it really does get better. I then just felt sore. Had tea and toast and an hour later a 3 course meal, food was okay, nice ice cream which feels nice after a day of no food and drink. I was released at 7pm and felt very dizzy and faint when I stood up to get into the taxi.
Every day is different PO, I am still very swollen and sore. Today I have been having stabbing pains across my chest, which is apparently the nerves regenerating-hoping to get feeling back in the newbies soon!! The bloating is really uncomfortable. I honestly look about 4 months pregnant today, I’m not sure how to reduce this!? But the recovery has been okay, just put up with it and take it easy and you will feel slightly better each day.
My boobs themselves look great. Very round and high at the moment but the size is really nice and they look so full and perky!
Hope this was helpful to someone.