26th Oct- Starting to get really scared I won't wake up Started by: boobenvy23

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    :(… I only have four days left and I was fine until I spoke to a friend today and now I am getting doubts in my head about waking up after my surgery!!!

    Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhh this is scary!!


    Its all normal to feel like this. I was panicking about this until the moment they knocked me out! When I dropped my daughter off I thought “oh is that the last time she will see me” I felt so selfish and that I was risking my life for vanity. There is always a risk with a GA but its so very small and as long as you are healthy the risk is very very slim. You run a risk everytime you walk out of the front door and the risk of being raped or murdered is higher than the risk of dying from a GA. x


    ive got 3 weeks nd already thinking that lol im a real worryer lol ull b fine im sure xx it makes it worse for me i think as i got three young kids if it wasnt for that dnt fink id b that bad. ull b fine hun everyone else seems to be i think every one thinks it just think of wen u wake ull have new boobies lol 🙂


    its totally normal..im the worst worrier.ever and ive had soo many sleepless nights thinking tjis is stupid cancel the surgery. but ive done it twice now in less than 7 months and i can assure you that you are safe. the.chances are so so slim and the team are highly trained and are there to look after you:) honestly enjoy your day cause its all over and done with.before u know it and you will.think aww is that it? right now no words will prob ease your mind completely but after you will think yano them girls were totally right 🙂 good luck and enjoy your day 🙂 xxx

    aimee88 1

    Ahh I am totally the same, my surgery is on Sunday and I have already had many sleepless nights which is annoying as I know after I’ll be uncomfortable and probably not sleeping great either haha. But I’m sure we will both be fine, many girls have lived to tell the tale! Good luck hun xxx


    I’ve been feeling the same! My surgerys tomorrow and I’ve been crapping it today! Haha xx

    blaire1991 -1

    Hey Hun please try and not worry u are in safe hands u will wake up and think what was I worrying for I am the biggest worryer ever and I would do it tomoro if I had to ! Xxxx


    Thanks girls!!! I have managed to calm down again now
    But I should be getting my admission time tomorrow and I think that will kick start all the nerves again lol.

    Can’t wait though. Xx


    Hi hun I have been exactly the same as you but now I think to myself if the worst comes to the worst and I dont wake up I wont know anything about it anyways lol. You will be fine honest hun dont worry yourself 2 more sleeps to go whoopwhoop. Carnt believe u havnt got your admission time yet I have had mine a month so glad I went direct with the hospital cos MYA seem to leave everything last minute.x


    Haha!!! I said that about not knowing lol.

    I have been fine with everything to do with MYA, they even squeezed in a last minute appointmet with my surgeon while he was working all day at the hospital to answer my lastminute worries that I developed lol. I say this but I have been surprisingly calm about all of this comparing to how I thought I would be. All my friends keep asking why I am I so layed back and calm about it all lol.

    If i dont hear from them by about 1pm. I will call them to find out but I wont be happy if i have to do that.



    Just got my admission time!!

    8:30!! eeeeeekkkkk!!!!!

    haha…I am soo excited at the same time lol. xx

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