cc? Started by: loulou92

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    Does cc only effect you if you have unders? Xx


    No can be both xx


    It can happen to either, but statistically it happens more with overs.
    I have it in both sides and have unders too xx


    How can you tell if u have it?

    nicca1980 2

    What is cc and why does it happen?


    Capsular contraction hun.. I think its caused by scar tissue I’m not sure tho Joannabella knows. Normally they remain very high firm and painful. If you have it in 1 boob then they r likely to be wonkey… While 1 drops the 1 with cc doesn’t xxx


    ok thank you girls. is it quite rare to get, because i mentioned it to my nurse and she didnt really know what i was on about. xx


    I’m not sure what the statitics are but I’ve seen quite a few girls on here get it usually its in 1 breast rather than 2 but its just 1 of the risks u take it can happen to anyone. But its usually coverd in aftercare. Can’t believe the nurse didn’t know what you was on about :/ my nurse warned me of the possible risks xxx


    I have CC in my right breast, mine isn’t visible but with some it can disform the shape of your boob I think. It can be painful also, luckily mine isn’t to bad. It’s when the breast tissue hardens, it can be uncomfortable though, mine is rock hard, but my left breast is fine. I’m having them replaced on 19th December, can’t wait to have a normal feeling boob again. Unfortunately, it’s not that rare anymore and can occur more than once, just a risk you have to take with BA. x

    nicca1980 2

    oic. It was mentioned b4 with the surgeon but I didn’t really listen if I’m honest I didn’t want putting off having it done prob wrong attitude! Hope every one with it gets sorted and is ok x


    CC is built up scar tissue, and it squeezes your implants, you get graded on it, 1 being very normal (everyone has it slightly) and four being the worse (hard, painful and misshapen breast visible to the naked eye)
    I’m at three in right and four in left. I found out I had it after seeing a surgeon, but went because my boobs weren’t dropping, they are so hard, don’t move, and so painful just walking upstairs hurts like feck. I didn’t realise what it was to start with, but after being diagnosed it was very clear
    I think the statistics are 10% off ALL breast ops (BA, reduction, uplift, reconstructive etc..) of people that get it within five years xx

    missmaid -1

    Hi Joannabella, I’ve sent you a friend request and am trying to send a message about why I want to add you but keep getting an error message 🙁 I’m 3 moths PO and my surgeon says I’m showing signs of cc in my right boob. Swollen and pretty hard. Shame as the left one is great.

    missmaid -1

    Hi Joannabella, I’ve sent you a friend request and am trying to send a message about why I want to add you but keep getting an error message 🙁 I’m 3 months PO and my surgeon says I’m showing signs of cc in my right boob. Swollen and pretty hard. Shame as the left one is great.


    Will accept now hun, strange why it won’t message, maybes will when iv accepted xx

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