twighlight anasthesia? Started by: victoria92

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    Hey girls- i was just wondering if anyone has used twighlight anesthesia or any other alternative to general? xx


    I will probably either go with local or local with sedation as the idea of a ga kinda freaks me out! I had a consultation with a surgeon who said he would do it local if I really wanted it done like that and that I can decide on the day which way I want it done! x

    nicca1980 2

    It i very much each persons personal choice, however having had ops done under GA and local I would def recommend GA. with local you are aware of everything going off and the slightest problem you are made away of which can be vary scary, the length of time it takes you will be aware of every second. Def have along hard think about what ever you decide x


    I agree with nicca1980, a GA and you have no clue as what happens, but a local can leave you scared. I haven’t actually heard of a surgeon offering it under a local.
    I was very scared about the GA, still am for my next op, but there are plenty of staff on you monitoring every little thing, your in the best possible care. Anything serve happening is so rare, you barely hear about it! Xx


    Yeah the idea of being awake is scary but so is being under GA- i’m really tempted to go with LA and sedation, Gemma- which surgeon agreed to do this for you? xx


    I have been under LA with sedation before and its fine – you dont feel anything, you are asleep but not totally knocked out as they can turn it down and you can wake a bit etc – but i was under it for a facial surgery not breast augmentation


    Did the time pass slowly? Were you aware of what was happening to you? xxx

    nicca1980 2

    I had it for a colonoscopy I was aware but didn’t care if that makes sense. For me I didn’t like it, you can’t really remember much afterwards but was told I talked and cried all the way through it. Given the choice I would have the GA but like I said before its everyone’s own decision and that has to be respected just having had both thought I would share x


    Thanks for sharing 🙂 Do you know any surgeons that are ok using local and sedation? xx


    Hey I fell asleep for most of bit but half way through i woke up a bit and could hear them and stuff.
    I liked it because after i wasnt so zonked out and i guess ibfelt safer because i wasnt completely knocked out. But i think for BA id prefer GA as i dnt wanna be waking up mid way!


    omg definitely go with GA. I couldn’t think of anything worse than potentially being awake during a BA. I was also nervous about GA but it’ honestly fine & its over before you know it…. you’ve no idea what has gone on! 🙂 it’s like it’s by magic and when you wake up it’s like you’ve had the best sleep of your whole life haha xxxx


    It’s not really exactly the same but when I had an endoscopy I was under local with sedation and I remember the entire thing, it doesn’t seem to knock you out as such just makes sure you don’t freak out and obviously local would mean you would feel it but not feel the pain. I’m still unsure which I’d go for cos of the horrors your hear about GA and how shitty people feel after it :/ x

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