Experiences post op with young children? Started by: Emily

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  • Emily

    I am waiting for my consultation so early stages but planning on having op done jan, I wondering how ladies found it not being able to pick their children up after breast enlargement? My little girl will be 16months and possibly very upset if I can’t pick her up how did you all cope? I am also having abit of lipo on my thighs at the same time, I am also stuck as wether to have overs or unders I know unders are a longer recovery
    Thanks 🙂


    I’m not going to lie it is hard. I’ve got a 6 year old and my youngest is almost 2. I find I can still still cuddle and kiss them both but I wouldn’t want to risk popping my stitches by picking her up. Its only for a few weeks it is hard but managable x

    Lottie 2

    I have a 2 and half year old he’s quite a sturdy lively little man Nd my mums had to have him for the week he leaps and jumps on me I feel really bad but he’s having fun at my mums whilst I do the sensible and recover :).. 2 and 3 is the difficult age with picking up and naughty corners and floor tantrums lol I don’t know what I’d so without my mums help iv been in agony until today ! … If your partner can take a week of that will help u so much even like wiping after the toilet is hard … But in the end it’s so worth it :).. The worst is first week so 🙂

    minisha -1

    I was lucky that my fiance also took 2 weeks holiday from work to look after out toddler (just turned 2) so i didnt have to do any lifting etc Im now 3 weeks po and can lift him out of his cot but if he squishes me hard the boobies do feel sore still but not unbarable. Im still trying hard not to pick him up much and encourage him walking as i know its still early days but its hard when they are playing up or crying cos they want to be carried xx


    Yeah you’ll defo need some help for the first 2 weeks! My kids are almost 7 and 4.5 and the youngest still needs help with toilet and dressing etc so I wouldn’t have managed by myself and age 2 is so much more demanding! I tried not to get too close to my kids in the first 2 weeks as I didn’t want to get hurt and I started to cry one day at work cos I realised I hadn’t properly cuddled them in nearly 3 weeks, I felt like the worst mum ever! I managed to carry my youngest tonight cos she fell asleep on the couch and I’m nearly 4 weeks post op after and uplift with implants, it wasn’t painful 🙂 I’d advise getting some help for at least a week x


    Hey I have a 7month old and a 2 1/2 year old and now 3 1/2 weeks post op. Had help for the first 2 weeks I could of done it but didn’t want to risk it. I had overs but I think if you had unders it would be a lot worse as lifting your arms is even a mission. My friend had unders and she couldn’t believe how much the healing process was so different. U will be fine I have found the whole thing very straight forward and not painful at all but everybody is different. Xxx


    Thanks I think I will defo have to enlist my mum for help as my partner is abit hands off lol xxx

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