THANKYOU MYA.. i love my boobies Started by: beckie90

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    Just wanted to write a quick post to say Thankyou to mya and my surgeon Mr kazzazi, I’ve been a pain in the past and was really unhappy with my results so I turned into abit of a pest lol, I got my reop just over 4weeks ago, this time they are perfect I love them, I am chuffed to bits with them, he’s done a Brilliant job. I want to thank the MYA Leeds staff for been wonderful, and especially my pc louisa, she’s been a star throughout my 1st and 2nd BA and listend to my concerns when I wasn’t happy and was there to support me. I sometimes thought back then I was been picky and it was just me that had issues and should be happy with my boobs, but I’m so pleased that I went through with the reop cause now I’m 100% happy with them and I’ve never ever had that feeling… So Thankyou MYA xxx

    lynseygibz 1

    Aww that’s fab to read that Hun glad your happy I had mr kazzazi nearly 7 weeks ago I went to the mya in Leeds I’m back there on the 11th next month can’t wait I love my boobies but I’m so glad your happy Hun xxx


    Thanks chick glad ur happy with yours too 🙂 I’m there on the 29th to see jenny. I can’t wait for my 12wk check though cause I bet Mr k thinks I’m such a pest lol. I had mine done in march and did nowt but complain when I got to about 6wk po lol xxx


    So happy for you hun! X


    Glad your so happy hun, you deserve to be 🙂 xx


    Beckie I’m jealous of ur boobs! Xx


    Stacey don’t b daft yours are huge. Joannabella Thankyou, remember to fight for this you need to be happy aftee you spent this amount of money xxx

    Lottie 2

    I’m te same today lol 😀 I been in agony aha but today just woke up lookin different how can nipples even out when u just had implants haha it’s amazing one week can do :)! Yours look amazing now you must be over the moon ! Can’t wait to be 4 weeks p.o!:)


    Urs look bigger! I sooo have booby greed already an I’m only 3 weeks post op lol xx


    I know I have boob greed still too ha, but I just keep reminding myself of what I had before, and I always said any boobs would do ha, so just trying to remember that. Aww yayy Lottie so happy for ya 🙂 xxx

    minisha -1

    Aww thats so good that you now feel so much better about them since re-op 😀 They are pretty amazing lol totally jealous as mine are still tiny rocks! This is what its all about, to feel really good about yourself xx

    Rachel -1

    so happy for you Beckie and your results are amazin like! but i hope this is also not goodbye?! stay with us!!!!!! xxx

    Kirsty -4

    Beckie your boobs are fab! No wonder you are happy haha. Hope mr k can work his magic on me 🙂 xx


    No rach of course it isn’t too addicted to the forum Haha. Minisha don’t worry its early days they do get better I promise my last ones were hard n quite apart till 3wk po. Your muscles r prob clinging on for dear life lol xxx


    hi beckie which size did u go for?


    Ha he will kirsty. I had 460cc from 380cc x

    Kirsty -4

    I’ve just spoken to Louisa she phoned me about my pre op bless her, I told her you had put a lovely post on here 🙂 xx


    She’s lovely Louisa she’s always such a busy bee whenever I’ve been up Haha, I’m always up there its Like ma 2nd home lol xxx

    Kirsty -4

    I’ve book a second consultation with mr kazzazi even though my op is booked I want to make sure I’m happy with the size, I feel really guilty asking to see him again lol, and I’ve got my pre op the beginning of December they will be sick of seeing me haha xx


    I saw Mr k 3x before my op Haha don’t feel guilty its a big thing, and I’ve had 4/5 pre ops even tho I’ve only had 2 ops ha xxx

    Rachel -1

    yea i’ll be having a consultation, and i’ll definitely book to see the surgeon again before i have it done as there is gonna be a gap between, as only having mine done in feb/march. I’m on the countdown for you now kirsty haha. And good Beckie, i’m glad…stay addicted!! me and kirsty are gonna need you lol xx

    redbullqueen -2

    Hi beckie90 hope you don’t mind me asking, how come you had re-op? I’ve got my first BA booked with Kazzazi on 4th Jan getting very nervous. Took me years to build up courage so am panicking like most of us suppose. Glad to hear you’re happy with results now you must be chuffed 🙂


    Hi hun, I got double bubble and they bottomed out, ul be fine he’s done a good job 🙂 xxx

    Kirsty -4

    Haha thanks Rachel ill make sure I put my story on and pics!, hopefully ill have a happy ending 🙂

    redbullqueen -2

    Bless u, u must be relieved its all sorted. I keep having major doubts but so fed up of looking flat chested am sure will be well worth it in end. Did you go to Parkhill at Doncaster? x


    Yes parkhill hun 🙂 its Defo worth it even though they didn’t turn out as planned 1st time it was still worth it cause I still felt great in clothes no1 could see it I could wear low cut tops n dresses etc n they looked great got lots of complements, never had tht preop so its worth it hun even more now, cause I feel great in clothes n out too xxxx

    redbullqueen -2

    That’s what makes it worth it when you feel great in clothes etc….& am so looking forward to actually filling a bra and bikini for first time in my life. Thanks for putting my mind at rest a bit more chick. Do u mind if I ad u as friend? xx


    No its fine 🙂 yea I went away with my old ones n wore bikinis everyone said how fab they were xxxx


    Oh you made me feel so so much better Beckie…. I have my op in 40 hours!! in Park hill doncaster with mr K too 🙂 so they will do something about it if your not happy then? that eases the mind! xxxx


    If theres an obvious problem and its not just cause you don’t like them lol. Aww good luck hun xxxxx


    Thank you Beckie lovely xxxx


    Add me if u like hun, I’ve 8 pages of piks. 1st 4 been my old ones that are all fine, the problems I had start on page 5 and go to beginning of page 6. Then my new boobs go from middle of page 6 to end. Before my old ones went wrong they was perfect. So don’t worry ul be fine 🙂 xxx

    sophiemarie -4

    hey vud i add u please hun x


    Yea thts fine hun. New piks uploaded today, 5wks po tomorow, changed again lol, gone really round all of a sudden which im pleased about whooooo xxx

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