Pregnancy Help Started by: staceylouise90

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    Okay ladies, I wrote a post the other day about wanting a baby and me and my bf have decided we are gonna go for it. I should come on my period tomorrow, and I know ovulation is about 12-14 days after the first day of my period. I’m off the pill and hoping to be caught straight away. Anyone on here became pregnant straight after coming off the pill? Have any of you got any tips about becoming pregnant? Obvs have sex a lot lol starting from next week me n my fella are just going to do it everyday to maximise the chances. Any conceiving advice would be great 🙂 xx


    I caught straight away after coming off pill. My advice would be to do it regular all time as each persons ovulation days are different, I’ve known me be as early as day 10 and late as day 17. Look out for watery stretchy mucus, ha gross I know but that’s called fertile fluid you usually get it in your most fertile days, use opk’s if u have to you can pick them up quite cheap n as your planning start taking folic acid xxxx

    minisha -1

    Every other day should work as sperm stays in you for 4-5days anyway so would help you maximise chances but without completely tiring yourself out or feeling pressured to do it every single day. Like beckie said people can ovulate at any time so may as well start now just to make sure you catch xx 😀

    Lottie 2

    Basically just sex sex sex but u can buy fertility vits for him n her in boots it’s like wellman or something :)… An u can buy ovulation test which tells u the exact days u ovulate … Umm start taking your frolic acid now :)…. If e smokes get him to stop smoking slows a perm etc …. Sounds stupid but if u orgasm just before he finnished … There’s a better chane of conception if u get me :).. Coz the vagina sort of contracts doesn’t it haha sorry iv gone graphic but yeah I fell pregnant v quickly and found out at 5 weeks 😀


    Yeah thanks girls, I should come on tomorrow, so we’ve decided to do it a couple of times every couple of days lol just hope i get caught straight away, and this mucus stuff, do u get that after ur period? Ive noticed that before but didn’t know it was that lol xx

    Lottie 2

    But yeah everyone’s right Hun I have irregular periods I miss them for like a year then get one :l so I just had sex about 6 times a day 😀


    haha yeah I know what u mean Lottie lol I work on a make up counter in boots so I had a sneaky look at those ovulations kits and they were like 30 quid lol yeah he does smoke but he won’t stop, not even for me 🙁 I’m hoping we’ll do it enough to conceive 🙂 and this probs sounds thick but why’s folic acid important? xx

    minisha -1

    Helps prevent spinabifida which is where the spine doesnt develop properly xx


    You will get different kind of mucus lol.. in a way I can desribe the most fertile fluid as egg whites bit snotty..ewww lol. But its true, it helps sperm get there and sperm can penetrate that when its creamy etc sperm can’t get through that, so when u notice stretchy stuff its likely that your fertile or will be shortly. I’ve come off all contraception as they all make me feel terrible n I keep note in everthing now.. that’s my contraception 🙂 lol xxx


    haha thanks hun, ur like a doctor lol i feel soo thick when it comes to stuff like this. I get that discharge stuff everyday (sorry tmi) lol but I’ve noticed its more on other days lol i just wanna get pregnant now!!! lol don’t wanna come on next month i’ll be gutted 🙁 xxx


    Yea u do its natural its to keep infections at bay but ul start to notice sometimes its white or pale yellowish n creamy type, then further to middle of your cycle it goes more runnier bit watery, until it turns into clear/white mucus.. you will have a couple of days were its like that then it will dry up and go back to creamy or barely nothing, of course its not a certainty its just how most bodys work you don’t even notice any changes until you start looking out for it, and that’s when you realise it dies actually change I’ve had my coil out 4 months now and avoiding getting pregnant so I work it out like that. Download fertility friend on your phone if u can its real good explains so many things n you can put symptoms in etc n it will tell u based on that if you are likely to be fertile or not 🙂 xxx

    Lottie 2

    Yeah the discharge is totally different from the usual everyday creamy random shit haha I always had thrush coz I’m diabetic sugary foods and stuff -.- it was bad when I was pregnant! Yeah the discharge is like elastic snot 😀 haha lush but way of life!


    I was gonna say snot too Lottie ha I just thought i mite sound bit rank Haha. yep but watch out for the snot lmao 🙂 xxx


    My best advice is don’t think about it to much and become stressed, as that hampers your chances. It’s a natural thing, and will only happen as and when, and the more you get stressed and try, the less it will happen xx


    Haha so look out for the creamy snot like gunk..sorted lol I’m just gonna try not to think about it even though it’s all I think about now lol xx


    Not creamy, creamy is just the normal stuff. The stringy stretchy slimey snotty stuff its usually clear or white. But yes don’t stress as Joanna says. Go with the flow an average woman can take upto a year to get pregnant so don’t worry bout it xxxx


    I hope I get caught straight away, can’t wait a year :-/ xx


    It will happen in next few month maybe straight away as your only young but don’t worry if you don’t its quite normal. Xxx


    Hey hun I am no expert as havent even had a baby yet lol
    but be careful not to pressurise yourself too much into getting pregnant
    as the body can stop u from becoing pregnant if it feels under
    too much pressure to make a baby, so aslong as u relax and just
    have fun with it, it shouldnt take too long 🙂 good luck 🙂

    Lottie 2

    Just bang bang bang bang … Tidy 😉 haha no seriously just have fun along the way I got pregnant at 16…. It didn’t take months trust me lol your young your at your healthiest girl!:-) is there anyone u know ith a baby or toddler you can babysit for maybe a day and night for a nice taste haha might help your boyf get his head round it more enthusiastically 🙂 goodluck anyway ! I can almost promise (if your an average woman no problems ..) u will be pregnant within 5 months … :).my sisters had theirs one day apart ! Weird but they both thought it would take ages they said what all woman say lol … I just have a feeling I’m infertile :/ and bam thy had girl a day apart 😀


    Haha I’m just gonna be at it like rabbits for the next two weeks then I’ve gotta get caught, can’t wait months lol if u have sex everyday that wouldn’t have the adverse effect would it? I know it sounds daft lol xx


    Try not to think about it too much, I was trying about 2 years ago for a few months with my partner at the time, I read then that its best to have sex every couple of days rather than every day because its gives the man enough time to get sperm count up again. If you have sex too often it can just be fluid and not a lot of sperm coming out of him, but hey it only takes one! But thinking about it puts a lot of pressure on, it can take up to 6 months for your body clock to get back to normal after coming off the pill depending on how long you’ve been on it for. Fingers crossed for you though hun x x


    Thanks Hun, do u think taking multivitamins would help me in any way? Xx


    Took me 3 years after stopping the pill to get pregnant. Just relax and try not to think bout it too much, it will happen wen u leadt expect it! :)) xx


    Multi vitamins will take atleast 3 months to start working in your system, but you may be healthier for taking them so I’m sure it won’t hurt. I was very thin and did not have a healthy diet when I was trying and that probably didn’t help me. You can get specific tablets with vitamins in for when you are trying to conceive from boots/superdrug there are a few different brands x x


    I’ve started taking pregnacare original, they say on the box they help to conceive aswell so took one today and gonna keep taking them and have loads of sex and see if it happens for me 🙂 lol xx

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