Pins ands needles… Started by: butterflyboo

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    Pins ands needles feeling in my right boob and arm :s had it last night and called nurse said it sounds normal! Just got it again today, I’m really worried- has anyone else felt this. I’m a week post op had my nurse app today and said she had no idea what it was last night and to call if happened again so waiting for a call back
    🙁 scared there’s something wrong with my new babies!!


    I had mine yesterday and have pins and needles in one of my nipples haha… I think it’s just your body still getting used to them 🙂 hope you like your new boobies 🙂 xxx


    I’ve had it in my arm for the last few days it’s stopping me sleeping I’m 10 days po apparently it’s fine just annoying xxxxx

    Stephanie -1

    I think it’s just nerves starting to wake up / slowly reconnect.

    I had a broken jaw and trapped the nerve in it. This was 15 years ago I still have numb areas around my mouth and says when it feels on fire from pins and needles. Nerves are just weird 😉

    I also had my boob job Friday and was out today when my right boob woke up, bloody agony 🙂 just have to accept we are all different but get these weird aches n pains and annoyances over the first few weeks and months.


    Mr Singh has asked to see me in the morning, right boob suddenly swelled more and then this achy feeling in arm 🙁 hopefully its nothing
    Those who have had it did u have like an achy arm too

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