Breast uplift Started by: kathryn

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  • kathryn 1

    Hi, I’m wanting a breast uplift and have booked a consultation but I’m a worried about scars and complications. Has anyone had one with MYA before? x

    missmaid -1

    Yeah, me!
    Add if you like and you can se pics and ask any questions you may have.
    Good luck 🙂

    kathryn 1

    Hi Missmaid, I’d love to see pics, I’ve added you as a friend, so how didi you find it? my main worry is the scars, are they rele obvious? x

    missmaid -1

    Mine are really good in places but I’ve had a couple of (unusual) complications and a few bits of my incisions have opened several times. Those bits are still a bit purple-ish, time will tell how those will fade. The bits that have healed normally are pretty amazing after nearly 4 months. Overall I’m so glad that I had the uplift, the results are shockingly good!
    Best of luck with your decision. X

    kathryn 1

    I take it you had yours with MYA then, what sort of complications did you have? x

    missmaid -1

    Yup, had it with MYA.
    I’ve been spitting out disolvable sutures since a couple of weeks post op. Having some sort of reaction to them. As the knots come to the surface, the suture breaks through the skin and they need to be either trimmed off or pulled out. Sounds bad, but it’s not really. The holes heal up very quickly with just a plaster on and the ones away from my incisions don’t even leave a scar but on the wound they leave a purple mark. Presume these will fade as well in the end. The bits in between are great and I’m sure that within the next couple of months they will not be visible unless you’re looking for them. The bit around my nipple, that I thought would be the worst, is not detectable, even up close in a mirror. Just amazing!

    kathryn 1

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    Thanks thats great info, did you get any nasty infections or anything when the stitches split, I’m quite big naturaly, fair skinned and seem to scar quite easily so I was worried the weight mite cause the stiches to split and it mite cause me loads of problems. Its good to hear about your scars healing so well around your nipple x

    missmaid -1

    No, no infections but been prescribed loads of lots of antibiotics to make sure. The weight of the implants won’t be a problem as long as you make sure you follow ALL the advice about what NOT to do post-op. Don’t think many people have problems with spitting sutures so I’m sure you will be just fine. Make sure you get enough rest and take it easy afterwards.
    Enjoy your journey X

    kathryn 1

    thats really good, how long was it before you felt normal agen and felt you could bend, lean over and lift like normally? was is it a long wait from your consultation to your op, i’m hoping to get mine done as soon as possible? x

    missmaid -1

    Going to PM you, OK?

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