ba on Wednesday an got a cold Started by: linzi6184

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    Hi ladies does anyone know if I can still have my ba if I have a bit of a cold? Its nothin major just a bit of a snotty nose I will be so mad if I cant get it done x


    I had cold both times, asling as its not really bad its fine, just let your nurse know, she cam advise you, usually just rest and plenty of fluids xxx


    It was bad last wk but almost gone now I feel fine I just have a bit of a runny nose im spendin the next 2 days drinking Lemsips just incase lol. I seriously cant wait any longer to have it done. I was booked in at the end of last Jan but found out the. Wk before my op I was pregnant my little girl is 12wk old now an im not willing to wait any longer lol. How you feeling? How many wk post op are you now? X


    Don’t drink the lemsip hun nurse tells u not to cause of the ingridients in them your only aloud paracetomal before op, some people do have them before but if they advise you not to then there must b a reason. But no if you have got rid of worse bit you will be fine. Im 6wk and 3 days po, I’m feeling back to normal now have done for ages 🙂 Aww bless that’s lovely, you have waited a long time then 🙂 xxx


    What size did you have? An what are you measuring? I’m still undecided between 485 and 525 xx


    I had 380 1st time that took me from 32b to 30FF only looked around a small D though I needed revision for double bubble and bottoming out. I’ve had 460cc now and havnt been measured yet but 32G/30GG both fit perfect, look around a DD though xx


    That’s amazin I’m so jealous x


    Well imagine size yours will be lol xx


    Paracetamol and vicks steam bowls sorted me out hun! X


    Thank you I’ll give it a try. An bec you have just made me a million more times excited than I already was. I cant wait to have big boobies x

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