BA Friday……last minute nerves :/ Started by: kaley rawlings

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    So all of a sudden I am so nervous! Questioning am I doing the right thing, I know it’s probably natural, I’ve been wanting a BA for about 8 years! Now the surgery date is near, I’ve started panicking!!!! Has anyone else felt like this?? And do you have any advice? I feel like I’m about to take my driving test again haha xx

    Stephanie -1

    The fact you have paid and you are two days away shows how serious you are about it.

    You will be fantastic you’ll have on average 4-10 days of discomfort and then have years of glorious boobage to make up for it I’m just about 12 days post-op I wrote on Facebook last Saturday morning after my Xmas party that no longer did I feel like the ugly duckling stuck on the corner I felt bloody awesome. It’s stupid they are just boobs, that’s all, but after wanting them soooo long it’s really great. Start getting excited 😉


    Thanks for replying Hun, I feel so silly for feeling like this, I know it will be worth it when I see them! It’s my last day at work today before the op so I think the excitement has got so much it’s just turned into nerves xx

    Stephanie -1

    I know that feeling I just wanted to get it over and done with.

    Enjoy your last day at work ;). Don’t worry, there are 9-10,000 boob Jon each year in the UK yours will be awesome 😉


    I felt exactly the same before my op, but I’m 8 days post op now and I love my boobs, so glad I got them done. I wasn’t even in any pain after either, so was really lucky. It’s only natural to have some nerves. Hope it all goes well for you. xx


    Totally normal hun!! Just get thru the next few days and it’ll all be good. Plus you’ll end up with the boobs you’ve always wanted!! Good luck xx


    You’ll be fine Hun, yes I felt excited and nervous the last week then on the day excited, then jus before goingup nervous but only. Little you will be grand and will look amazing 🙂 worth the wait I’m sure xx


    Hey lovely, my op is 16th December and I feel exactly the same! i go in waves of doubting myself and then being so excited! but the girls on here have really put my mind at rest and now cant wait! I am sure I will go through another wave of doubt but its totally normal! best of luck with Friday. xx


    Thanks a lot lovelys! Feel much better now! Excitement has set in again 😀 xxx

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