Complications Started by: Nicki

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  • Nicki 1

    Hi girls. I keep thinking about complications that could happen, things going wrong and just not being happy with the end result..I asked my pc how likely it is for things to go wrong/ to get an infection etc. but she was pretty vague, she’s a salesperson after all so isn’t going to give too much away.. I just don’t want to have to go for a re-op and end up in debt! How often do you see girls that have suffered with complications? Is it always up to the patient to fork out for a re-op? Xx


    Haa! I keep having these thoughts aswell so i’d be interested to know too, haven’t heard from my PC since i paid my deposit and she was pretty vague too! xx


    My PC is fab, I asked the same question and her reply was “with any operation there are always risks involved however, the surgeon I am having has been doing BA’s for years and the staff at the hospital are excellent at what they do, I have nothing to worry about and with regard to any CC or double bubble, although the chances of having them are very low, no guarantees can be made, however those situations will be rectified by the surgeon at no extra cost – they are covered by the impant cover.

    Hope that helps

    Nicki 1

    Lol really? When is ur op? I haven’t booked mine yet.. I had my first consultation last week. My pc said she’d call me, but hasn’t! Worried if things are likely to go wrong further down the line too.. Xx


    I am having my op on Sunday this week. I think we all worry about complications, its just the nature of the beast, however I think you just have to trust the surgeon and the staff. I am sooo very nervous but my PC has been great in reassuring me, as have the girls on this forum. I have to admit though, not all PCs have been supportive of the girls on here, I guess I just have a extra nice one! 🙂

    Nicki 1

    Oh right, yeah it does thank u 🙂
    So if I were to develop cc or double bubble, they’d be rectified at no cost to me.. Well that’s comforting.. I weren’t even aware of those complications until I read about them on here last week and it got me worrying!! I’ve gt a few other companies to see but really want to book something soon! Xx

    Nicki 1

    Lol yeah, lucky you! I know, I’ve found this forum reall helpful too.. I guess when u meet ur surgeon, you’ll know if he/she is the right one for u.. Xx


    I went to Transform and to MYA and my gut went with MYA even though the surgeon at Transform offered me over which is what I wanted. But I have a few girlfriends who “dance” and have all said the same thing that you can tell a Transform BA straight away, MYA are much better. In regards to CC and DB, as far as I have been informed, yes they will be covered. I started looking in April 2011 and only finally went ahead to book something in August… I kept changing my mind due to potential issues but then just bit the bullet!

    miss-vi 1

    i will have my consultation on Thursday and will ask this question to PC. I really hope my PC will be helpful and reassuring! well and i think i will just try to stay positive and optimistic and make sure i follow all PO instructions 🙂
    hj13 – good luck!
    Nicki – which location is your clinic in?


    Thanks miss-vi – cant believe how soon it is! so nervous but excited! xx

    Nicki 1

    Really? So do u think transform BA’s don’t look as good?/look fake? I went to see transform & mya five years ago and met with surgeons but didn’t take it any further. This time, like you, I need to bite the bullet!! Xx


    Hello Nicki

    From my persnal experience i can reassure that re op is not necessary! And the online testimonials show exactly the same! But of course sometimes shit happens! In some cases patients complaint that a fat grafting operation is necessary to correct liposuction defects! And what i’ve also come through is that the cost for this is almost like having a second operation!

    Hj13 its great that your surgeons is willing to fix possible defects at no cost!

    I would

    Stephanie -1

    It’s like everything in life, things can and occasionally do go wrong, but 99% of the time they don’t.

    It’s something that happens around 10,000 times a year in the UK a boob job that is 🙂 So the odd one is bound to go wrong, but really the chances are low. Just look after yourself and take care of the entry wounds for the first few weeks, and you’ve done all you can, the rest really is out of your hands.

    Nicki 1

    It’s in Leeds. And I know what u mean,I will be very strict with the aftercare side of things!! Xx

    Nicki 1

    Ok, thanks Stephanie 🙂 xx

    aimee88 1

    Hey hun I was the same as you but the only thing is with the forum (as great as it is) you only tend to see the worrys and bad things! People who are problem free don’t need to stick around 🙂 Sure you will be fine! Find a surgeon you are happy with and who is giving you the look you want! Its only natural to worry… I am 6 weeks PO and everything has been fine 🙂 I think we will always worry to a certain extent but if its what you really want try not to worry about things. The forum went down for the 2 weeks leading up to my op… I think it was the best thing as you read up on every little thing and panic about everything!! xx

    Nicki 1

    Yeah that’s true, I never thought of it like that! I know, I do really want to just go for it! I’ve waited for my boobs to grow for what feels like forever!! I’m still waiting! Two babies later n still no change lol! I know when I tell my dad he’ll be pointing out the negatives n trying to change my mind, but I’m 24 years old!! Really glad I joined the forum tho, u get a good insight as to what it’s really like! Learned so much already! Glad everything has been good for u, I jz wanna get to th stage ur at now!! I’ve sent u a friend request, hope u don’t mind xx

    missmaid -1

    Hi Nicki, the percentage of patients who have problems after their op is very low, but there is always going to be some risk with any surgery. You are unlikely to suffer any complications, serious complications are even more infrequent so it’s not worth worrying about it, just bear it in mind. MYA have been very supportive of me, make sure you listen to, and act on, any advice given.
    This forum is great but can sometimes make you feel that complications are common as the people (like me!) who are on here often and for a long time tend to be the unlucky ones. Don’t forget the thousands of women who’ve sailed through their surgery and recovery and never feel the need to come on here!
    Good luck with your surgery and happy healing. XXX

    Nicki 1

    Hey missmaid, thanks for ur reply. I’m feeling better already about things.. 🙂 ur right, guess i’m just a worrier! just want to book my ba now!! Majority of girls seem to be happy with their results, I wanna join the club lol! Xx


    correction of DB and CC is always down to the judgement of the surgeon and is not always corrected, as they will grade how bad it is. if you do need a reop then you will have to pay for all expenses and that is not covered in the aftercare policy, chances are your pc’s would not have mentioned this to you in their sales pitch as mine didnt, they will only pay for the cost of the operation. the chances of you ever needing a reop is slim and hopefully you will love your boobs. i unfortunetly had to have a reop so i know from experience, but mine was down to surgeons results and not DB or CC i had to fight for my reop.

    missmaid -1

    Hi,Hope you don’t mind me sending a friend request. I’m interested in the reasons for your re-op and what you are having to pay for. I’ll PM you X

    missmaid -1

    Hi,Hope you don’t mind me sending a friend request. I’m interested in the reasons for your re-op and what you are having to pay for. I’ll PM you X

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