Sleeping on my back after BA Started by: Trixie

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  • Trixie

    How long after my BA before I can sleep on my back? I’ve heard different things from the MYA nurse (7-10 days), the nurse at my BA (can sleep on my back but not my side) and my PC (about a week). I’m 7 days post op atm 🙂

    Thanks xx

    Kylie 1

    I’d go with whenever it feels comfy. Im a week po and am slowly lowering my pillows each night. It didnt feel right a couple days ago but getting used to it slowly. xx


    My surgeon said I could sleep on my back straight after I had my op, which I have been doing and my breasts have been healing fine. I’m 3 weeks post op. Have been sleeping on my side too and not had any problems. x


    Try sleeping with a pillow under your boobs chick, really helped me 🙂 x

    Nicole -18

    Same as Claire for me, I slept on my back and side from day one. I’m two weeks P.O. and my scars look like scratches my boobs have dropped and softened completely. Very happy 🙂 x

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