Exercise Started by: Shona

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  • Shona

    Hey I’m a total gym freak and go twice a day do a lot of running and spinning classes, can anyone suggest when I can return back to exercising without damaging my new assets? X


    Hiya, I was told by the nurse I can’t do any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise until 6 weeks. I used to go swimming five days a week and do the air walker lots and miss it too. You can do lots walking though when u feel better, I’m day 17 post op and feeling bit better so going to go for lots walks at the weekend, put on 6lbs with gloating 2are prob new boobs lol…. Have u had your op? Xxx


    Not yet I’m having it in Friday I’m dreading the fact you can’t exercise though especially over Xmas with chocolate everywhere, yes I am just going to have to walk every where just hope I don’t lose my stamina, how do you feel in yourself not being able to exercise when can you swim again?

    Kylie 1

    I’m 8 days post op and am missing the gym like crazzzzzzy!
    I’m going to start back at 4 weeks doing legs, abs, and light arms I think. I’m already back to mucking out horses and jumped off a 5 bar gate this morning without even thinking about boobs until I’d done it! Oops! But all was fine, I didn’t lose a boob! Lol.
    Just had my stitches out this evening and I’ve healed over really well, so pleased.
    So if keep healing as well as I am, I’ll be squating and lunging like never before come January! Got a half marathon in March :/
    Hope your op goes well…keeps us posted 🙂

    Stephanie -1

    I want to get back to running 4 weeks on Friday, tempted to have a 1m jog this weekend but lots of work needed on taming my boobage 😉 not are what to get looking at a shock absorber running bra and maybe a crop top / compression bra on top hehe!


    I was doing 10hrs zumba and weights a week!! Missing to so much but can’t wait to shake my new assets asap lol


    Hi…I too am a gym freak!! I went back to the gym at 3 weeks PO but only did the sitting back bike, walking uphill on the treadmill, squats and abs. Defo no weights etc!!! I checked with the nurse first and she said to listen to your body. It has made me feel a whole lot better and hasn’t affected my boobies in the slightest 🙂 xx


    I’m the same!

    I’m just 8 days post op and I’m going to blame the weight gain on xmas haha! I’ve been going for walks and stuff, then after the new year im going to start back at the gym with the bike and leg work and treadmill walking mainly 🙂 xx


    I’m a total gym freak too only missed one day so far and it’s killing me. The thought of 6 weeks off is my worst nightmare but my new boobs are too important. Think it’s probably down to the individual but I’m going to start back at beginners level as I don’t want to risk anything. Ill miss weights so much these up coming weeks. Xx

    aimee88 1

    I go gym pretty much every day and not gonna lie girls, not going for 4 weeks absolutely killed me! I wanted 4 weeks til I went and done a few bits and then started lifting after 5/6 weeks. I dont do anything on chest still but thats my choice, surgeon said I could but dont want to risk it and it feels a bit wierd. As for spinning and running I havent yet as even with sports bras on it feels like a water bomb inside boobs… But I’ve been told by a friend that this does stop! I think its feeling less like it for me everyday 🙂

    You’ll be okay walking and on a bike at 3/4 weeks I would of thought but no soaking the incision for 6 weeks including swimming and bathing 🙂 Hope this helps! Good luck with the op xx


    Thanks everyone I think I’m just gonna have to be careful with my diet to help me get over the gym, did my last 9km run and spin class this morning was devastated when it was finished but I know it will be worth it once I have my new boobs tomorrow I’m so excited now!! I’m planning to just walk on incline on treadmill and bike, like you say just listen to my body I don’t want to sacrifice anything, once I’m healed properly I can pound the gym 🙂 just worried about this bloating feeling everyone is going on about, want to show off my assets but sounds like I will be hiding them if I feel bloated and look 3 months pregnant!! Lol


    The bloating doesn’t last forever..it’s just part of the recovery unfortunately! 🙂 xx


    I love running so it has been hard, but I have comprised and at 3 weeks started at the gym. Doing the cross trainer without arms and the static bike. I am hoping after the 6 weeks checkup with the consutlant he will say I can run again. I am a revision ba. I originally had unders which CC and did not move. I now have overs that are so natural and giggle all the time so I am going to have to find a really good support bra any suggestions

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