New Beautiful Boobies Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Had my Ba on friday 21st dec,it was great,think i was one of the lucky ones as had no nerves just really excited,now 2 days PO, no pain yet and lovely boobs,so pleased,my surgeon gave me exactly the look i wanted,ended up with 385 overs which look great for me as wanted a natural look,anyone nervous about doing this for themselves just do it and enjoy it.thanks to all the girls that helped me through this with their stories and pictures,it helped me alot with my decisions and what to expect afterwards,will hopefully be putting pictures up when i work out how to do it as i know how much looking at other girls pictures helped me.Thanks xx


    Hey Teresa, I had 385cc overs too last Monday! Pain has been a lot easier than I imagined but they’re just tender now and I have to watch how much I move my arms but other than that everything’s great. The size is nice isn’t it, not too big and not too small, happy healing xx


    Hi Sharon,yes totally agree size is lovely,they are still tender but only 2 days PO and am taking painkillers religously,so am now waiting for the dreaded bloating that everyone talks about, are yours changing much as the days go by? Also am suffering from numb bum from sleeping upright think i will try more pillows tonight see if that helps. happy healing to you too xx


    Hi Teresa, they have changed in that they aren’t as high now and the swelling’s gone down but I have one a bit bigger Ithan the other which is normal at this stage . They have softened too. I’ve been lucky as I haven’t had any bloating yet but I must admit I’ve not eaten a lot as my appetite hasn’t been the same as it was pre-op. I’ve been sleeping fine with my v pillow but have had a pillow under my bum too which helps the numb bum syndrome . I’m painkiller free now and have been for last few of days but the incision area is sore xx

    Stephanie -1

    Congrats Teresa 😉

    Well done hope you heal quickly 😉

    Kylie 1

    Congrats Teresa and Sharon. The pillow under the bum worked for me too to stop the numbness 🙂
    Happy healing!!

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