furious!!! Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole -18

    I really couldn’t be more annoyed! I was promised a refund (after quite a struggle) of £400 for an over nightstay I didnt need or use. I was told on the 14th december this would take 14 days, god knows why when bank transfers do not take that long! I rang my pc to doubke check it would be in on the 28th with it being over christmas and she assured me it would be. So along comes the 27th I check my oending transactions and nothing from mya. I called the officr as my pc was off and they told me it was being processed so would be in the next day as stated, I attempted to explain this wouldnt be the case as I know how banks work (I used to work in one) but I was told to ring back tomorrow and if it isnt in it would be in on the 31st as thats when they get paid.. Sooooo I did and again was told exactly the same thing its being proccessed today! I called back again after thinking about it and was told it would now take 3 to 5days for it to clear from the 28th when it ‘was processed’. You can imagine how annoyed I was feeling by this point! Well surprise surprise its not in today amd isnt showing for tomorrow i am so frustrated is there anything anyone would suggest? Im thinking about going back to the solicitor Ispoke to originally!!! X


    poor you hunny, they seem quick to take your money, but not pay their debts back. I think it’s awful xx

    Nicole -18

    I know its terrible, my friend is wanting her boobies done but has been out off mya after all the hassle I’ve had with this, shame really as Mr T is amazing x


    it’s crap as we are their best bet at customers, word of mouth is a great way to advertise. I’m seeing Mr t next week, and I hope he’s as kind to me 🙂 xx

    Nicole -18

    I love him 🙂 I have my 6week check up with him next week. So pleased with the results, good luck. I’ve rang my pc today and left two messages from 11am this morning and again heard nothing. It really is a farce ! X


    mod should flag this up and chase it up for you
    I can’t wait to meet him, and hopefully get answers and a ‘re- op xx

    Nicole -18

    Let us know how you get on hun, I’ve text as well now with no reply. I get the feeling no one knows what they are doing and they just wantme to give up! Im just so frustrated, im sure the message has been passed on already so I think I’ll just go to th clinic tomorroe and soeak to them face to face. In fact I might start charging interest on the money as im sure they would!! X

    Rachel -1

    whos your pc nicole? xx

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Nicole,

    If you’d like to send me your full name and the name of your PC I will pass on your messages and have someone call you.

    MYA Mod


    I had Mr T too, I love him 🙂
    I hope this all gets sorted for you @Nicole xx

    Nicole -18

    My pc is julie nicholson, I had a call yesterday to say it had been processed on the 28th but that it would take a few days to go through again….well its not showing in my bank for tomorrow either. Its ridiculous and I don’t care what they say it does not take this long to clear. Bank holiday or no bank holiday! I rang my bank and they have no payments pending so I think they are full of crap. Im actually getting more annoyed by the day! Id advise anyone to steer clear if this is how they treat their customers! !

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