its back :( Started by: beckie90

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    Double bubble…..I knew I still slightly had it but now its getting worse 🙁 picture uploaded from just now. I’m not so unhappy now because I’m pregnant and was planning on having them done if the pregnancy affected them anyway. It’s just ugly and can feel n see it hanging off looking down and leaning over. Booo xx

    VickiLou 1

    Oh no cant you speqk to your pc? Xx

    Kirsty -4

    Aww Beckie :(, I wonder why it’s done it again? Xx


    Can’t be botherd to be honest vicki, my pc is great. But I just think I want a differnt surgeon all together now, thats the main thing I wanted fixing. I said it straight before my op and I still have it. It’s basically my old boob just sat on top of my implant dusnt blend at all xx

    Kirsty -4

    I thought him using a bigger implant would have sorted it 🙁


    Should have had overs I know it for a fact.. I’m going to see a another surgeon and most certain that will be confirmed. Mr kazzazi told me that breast was tubular, so tubular usually have overs to correct that, if its unders and lowered crease, most likely double bubble will occur. Fed up tbh xx


    No Mr traynor told tht to bethy, no matter what size you use its still under muscle, stops it filling your own tissue out. Bethy had hers 6wk ago with overs. Double bubble gone now so that kinda says something xx


    Sorry to heare that Beckie , I am surprised you got it a second time , what are your options x

    Kirsty -4

    I bet you are!! All that fighting to get them corrected and then this happens :(. But surely mr kazzazi would have known you needed overs. I know he prefers using unders but I just don’t get why he wouldn’t give you overs if he said it was tubular 🙁 xx


    Cause I still had unders dana so chances were the shape etc wudnt change just look slightly bigger thn before. I don’t know don’t really wana go through the process again I felt silly last time like I was moaning over nothing so just gona go for another opinion somewere else and see what they say and suggest be done xx

    Kirsty -4

    Beckie your not moaning over nothing though!! Why the hell should you have to go somewhere else and repay. I’d make Louisa aware now and let them see it, and tell her you want a re op after you’ve had the baby xx


    Me neither kirsty but he did. He prob thought overs would have looked too *false* on my frame. But like a say when he was doing beths reop he said 460 unders, but when she Changed to Mr traynor he said Defo not unders you will not get rid of double bubble with unders. Before any of my ops I said can I have overs, he said I had enough tissue but I.would have better more natural result with unders. Then when I got it first time and questiond why I had it he said its because I was slightly tubular, but to correct tubular shape you need overs anyway…so dusnt make sense really xx


    Oh I see hopefully you can get it sorted out 3rd time lucky x. Mya will ay for op ? Congrats on being a mummy 🙂


    Mummy x3 lol I already have 2. I’m mad lol. Thankyou. Doubt it not even going to try lol xx

    redbullqueen -2

    Awwh Beckie so sorry to hear this. Really hope you can get this sorted once and for all. Cannot imagine how u r feeling. Totally agree with Kirsty no way are you moaning. You have paid a lot of money & looked forward to having the right result & this is what you deserve x


    Oh no I’m so sorry hun 🙁 x


    Oh, Beckie, I hope you get it sorted x x x

    charlie1 -3

    Aww hun 🙁 I really am so sorry ur having this again. They wer looking great too. Please speak to Louisa even if u don’t decide to follow it thru. He needs to know he’s screwed up. This is wot is scaring me about my reop, I doubt they will do a 3rd if 2nd doesn’t fix the 1st! Big hugs to u hun xxx


    poor you hunny, it’s not great having revisions go wrong, really hope they help you out, it’s clearly a problem that could have been fixed with the correct op second time. I’m seeing traynor this time, and so happy, everything I’ve read on him is great, and I have everything crossed he agrees that I should have been helped second time, as like you my issues could have been dealt with second time xx


    hey really sorry to hear about that. just push for what u need! im a bit confused as you said you are tubular as am i. but both surgeons i had both said uplift and unders and u said u need overs? i went mya and the hospital group x


    With tubular the only way to fully fill out the pointed shape and make it look more normal is overs, because if you put unders in they will still remain pointy, as the muscle stops the implant from filling out the breast tissue to give it a rounded shape, but it maybe different for you having an uplift, cause that involves removing the nipple etc, I didn’t have uplift just implants, the left drooped over the crease back then and still does now because the tissue just hasn’t been filled at all the implant just sits underneath it. I’ve only researched/seen reviews on straight forward ba and tubular, most surgeons won’t put in unders with tubular. But if you have had 2 of the same opinions then trust them, I only had the 1 opinion and was never told I was tubular until I had my first op and questioned why I’d got double bubble, thats when he said because you had tubular breast.

    Thankyou everyone, and good look Joannabella&Charlie xxx

    charlie1 -3

    Thanks hun xx

    Rachel -1

    aw beckie im so sorry to see this, not been on in a few weeks and just thought id pop back on and saw this. everything was going so well. congratulations with the pregnancy, can understand why u wanna put it on the back burner but defo make them aware you want it correcting xx


    wait loooool what?!?! i didint get told anything about removing the nipple!!!!! and my boobs arent pointy at all?! i had preferssor sforza at the hospital group and i think i had kazzai at mya :S confused lool but thanks for help xx


    and i got told that u have to have an uplift with tubulars or they drop quickly. but u didint have to have 1! lucky! xx


    If yours aren’t pointy then you prob only slightly then cause thats what tubular means, resembles kind of a tube, narrower width than normal boobs and comes out in a point under the nipple. Don’t know then uplift normally involves reposiitioning the nipple because its not in the right place :/ Google it may ne different ways but I’ve only seen piks of that way, I’ve never seen many tubular girls on here need uplift because they drop quicker, theres been plenty of girls on here with tubular without uplifts :s if the nipples are already in the correct place etc even if tubular then an uplift wouldn’t really be possible, cause they’d be nothing to “uplift” if you see what I mean. Don’t know Google uplifts and ba’s it will give you more insight xx

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