Wish I could recover quicker :( Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty -4

    Hey girls, I’m getting so annoyed with myself, op on Friday, still feeling a little sick, chest doesn’t feel as heavy but still uncomfortable, strapping is tight, finding it hard to eat without feeling sick, and bloating is already starting to take place. And sleeping upright is driving me mad. 🙁


    Awww hun, for bloating flush yourself out with loads of water, works a treat. If you feel up to it, don’t sleep so upright, you need to be comfortable, the sleeping upright is only to help avoid swelling, but I slept lying down from night two and on my sides at night three.
    If you’re feeling sick stop the painkillers and switch to something over the counter, like ibuprofen, and see if that helps.
    Gentle hugs to make you feel better xx

    Kirsty -4

    Thanks Joanna, do you think it would be ok to stop the paracetamol and just have the other two things they gave me, one of them is diclofenac and I’ve forgot them name of the other lol. I did sleep a little further down last night but then struggled get up this morning, my partner had to push me up like I was an old woman haha. Hope your ok hun xx


    Hey hun, I found that the anti inflammatorys they gave me played hell with my stomach so I stopped them ones, as Joannabella says, see if your partner can get you an over the counter one. It here so fustrating, but promise you it won’t be too much longer like this and you will have perfect boobs. The strapping really makes things a whole lot worse cause its so tight and uncomfy, after a few days if it still feels terrible loosen some bits off under your armpits and on the back etc, I had to do mine cause it cut my skin, but nurse said it was fine, day before I went to have it taken off. I’d taken 1 strip off because it was hanging off anyway…they was fine about it they said many people actually remove it all therselfs. But if you do find near to time before your week check its getting too much ring the nurse and she will advise you to loosen n cut bits off like she did me. Hope tht helps xx

    Kirsty -4

    Ah thanks hun, Im just hoping ill be able to move around abit more by Tuesday, my partner works abroad and he goes back on Tuesday and ill be back to looking after our 3 year old by myself :-/
    I can’t wait to get the strapping off on Friday, ill mention it to the nurse if it gets too much. A nurse is phoning me tomorrow so ill see what she suggests about the tablets, the nurse at the hospital said I had to finish both of the 5 day course ones :-/ xxx


    Only antibiotics. I stopped my paracetamol & anti inflammatorys after day 2, and just carried on taking antibiotics, but if your in pain then keep up with them regular. You should feel a lil better by Tuesday but still dont don’t anything thats going to strain you and make your recovery longer. Somehow you manage to get by, my partner went back on the Monday the first time, josh was 3 and oli was 11 months.. i just let him carry youngest downstairs for me before work, took all my pillows downstairs to get comfy, and makesure you have all plates and cups, food etc in easy reach so your not straining. Is there anyone that can help you out a little? Xxx


    Poor you, I remember my other half doing that after my first op, the one night I slept on the sofa, three days post op was the best sleep I got
    Deffo stop whatever is making you poorly, no point in making your body fight two things, as you will tire yourself out so much and become really ill xx

    Kirsty -4

    I think it’s the paracetamol so I’m going to keep on the other two for now, If I feel sick again after my next tablets I’ll phone the nurse and see if I can stop them. I’ve only ever had one op before and that was a c section, and had no pain or discomfort at all after that so this was abit of a shock lol xxx

    redbullqueen -2

    Sending massive hugs Kirsty. Hope when you stop taking paracetamol it helps with nausea xx


    Aww I feel your pain Kirsty…I know it’s not helpful but it will get better. I’m 3 weeks po tomorrow and my body is slowly but surely starting to feel like my own again. I remember the bloating and sickness though i had it for the first week and it’s not pleasant. Getting up was effort, i had to be pushed up by my bf to lol. Hope you feel better soon hun. xxx

    Kirsty -4

    Thanks carrie! I know it’s early days but I’m so independent and It’s a struggle to do things, and sleeping is still a nightmare,I think when I get the strapping off on Friday that will help me feel better because then I will be able to breath haha!


    I had my op on the 27th December and I’m still finding it hard to walk around and I get pains fairly often. My strapping cut the skin on my right side and that boob is taking what seems to be an age longer than the left to settle down!
    The co drydomol that I had made me so painfully bloated, but about3 days after stopping them I started to go back to normal. The nurse told me to take paracetamol instead of ibuprofen, not sure why though!

    I know its not even been 2 weeks for me yet but its getting so frustrating not being able to move around properly! I feel your pain kirsty! Xx

    Kirsty -4

    It’s awful isn’t it! I cant wait to get tje strapping off it feels so tight 🙁 How do you find sleeping? Im only 3 days post op and I can’t expect miricals but when you have a three year old to look after, it’s very frustrating. Hope you are recovering ok though and this snail pace recovery for us will be worth it lol xx


    Hi Girls

    Wish you all a speedy recovery and like they say pain is beauty arhh! My turn on Friday in Worcester so i’m excited and anxious at the same time. Treated myself for my 30th (at end of mth) and after breast feeding 2 babies i’m in need of a boost lol! Im slightly nervous as I’ve seen how ill my sister was for the first few days and she had a 2 yr old at the time but when i look at her now, she’s so confident and happy and said its the best thing she ever did. Anyone been to the hospital in Worcester? I’ll be coming home on Sat but with a 4 yr old and 18 mths, i’m concerned about how things are gonna be during the first week. Family are coming down to help out which is wonderful and a good friend is too, but the fact that i’ll feel useful and cant do much i know will frustrate me. Rest is so important though to prevent problems like infections so thanks for the advice Beckie with bringing pillows downstairs and putting plates and stuff in easy to reach places 🙂 i’ve been recommended 450cc unders and i’m currently a 36B. I want to be about a E but i understand that they are bigger at first with the swelling? Has anyone had 450cc unders and what size did u end up being? Good luck on Fri Kirsty, hope you feel better very soon Mantha! BTW cola syrup is good for naseau so get a bottle of coke and shake it to get out all the fizz and drink it flat, or ginger tea/ginger biscuits. Not eating will make you feel sick on meds too xxx

    Nips 2

    Hi Kirsty
    When I had my op my strapping was really tight like you to the point that every time I ate I felt like I wanted to vomit, I called the nurse day 5 and said I couldn’t bare it any longer and she said it wouldn’t make any difference if I removed the strapping at day 5 so if it is bothering you that much I would give the nurse a call and see if she says ok as you’re circumstances might be different to my own. I couldn’t get it off in the end so went to have it taken off a day early even the nurse said she had never seen strapping stuck so much, it left me with read burn marks on my back x

    Stephanie -1

    I found my recovery took a bit longer than I was hoping it took me between 19-21 days to finally get rid off the pain and discomfort in the boobs, but it was worth it i love em.

    Kirsty -4

    Really glad you love your boobies now 🙂 xx

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