Bruising!please help Started by: Emma b

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  • Emma b

    Hello girls just having a slight panic and don’t want to call emergency number just yet but had my BA on Tuesday today is the first day iv felt abit more normal and less pain but just noticed under my right Breast iv bruising,is this normal?something I should be worrying about?and a funny fizzing feeling in my left boob im assuming this is healing though?thanks for any advice xxxx


    Don’t worry. It’s all normal. Bruising and swelling are all part of it..some people bruise more than others. Some people get squishy noises coming from their boobs…and some lucky people don’t get anything at all! Just sit back, relax and enjoy your new boobies!! This time next week you’ll be tickety-boo!!! 🙂 xx


    Its normal hun, i got my strapping off today and have some bruising on ma right boob. The nurse told me as long as you dont have a constant pain its fine, i experienced a stiffness and ache and a twinging now and again near my wounds but the nurse said its normal xx

    Emma b

    Thanks girls I appreciate your advice,I was just a little bit worried i should of known because I am a bruiser person anyway bruise at anything!:-) xxx

    Kirsty -4

    I’m exactly the same 🙂 got my strapping off today and I have some bruising aswell. I’ve felt a few different feelings especially in my left boob but I explained them all to the nurse and she said its perfectly normal unless its constant like lrowe said xx


    I’m 4 weeks op on Monday and I’ve just got bruising coming out now!!! It’s just under my incisions feels like my ribs are bruised, it’s right where my bra lies so quite painfully 🙁 I bruise so easy though so I’m surprised I’m not black and blue all over x

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