My op last night 28th jan! Started by: Kate

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  • Kate

    My story 28th jan!

    Hi girls these stories really helped me in the run up to my op so thought I would share mine with people also waiting for their op.

    Got my admin time of 2 so that meant no eating after 8am or drinking after 12pm. I’m not gonna lie this was absolute torture for me I was starving!
    When I arrived I was taken to my room and two ladies came to ask what I wanted for my tea (toast and soup) and breakfast (fruit salad and bacon sausage & toast)
    A couple of nurses then came just to go through some paper work did general health checks took my blood pressure and asked a few questions. After that it was a longggg wait!

    Just before half 3 mr kazzazi came to draw on me and get me to sign the consent form. I thought I wouldn’t be too long after this but I was sooo wrong! About ten to 6 the anaesthetist came in to go through how I would be put to sleep and things. He was so nice and reassuring as I have never been put to sleep before.
    Finally at about half 6 I was ready! I got taken upstairs by a lovely nurse and got on the bed. Mr kazzazi came in to see me one last time just to check I was okay. After about 10 mins laying there the anaesthetist and another nice man came in ready to put me to sleep. They was both so nice and made me feel at ease.

    I suddenly felt like I had had tooooo many drinks on a night out felt really drunk and lightheaded and with that I was out like a light.
    Wen girls said it feels like 2 mins later you wake up they’re not lying cos with that I was awake! I was so high I remember slurring “have I had it done” hahaha.

    I was a bit delirious for some time, and when I finally came round a bit more I had a drink. I hadn’t drank for hours and I was sick which wasn’t nice at all 🙁 I didn’t have any tea because I was just so out of it!
    I tried to sleep but had no joy. I’m a bit of a wimp with pain so I did struggle but as the night went on it was less sore and more achey and I got used to it. I woke up every hour or so for a wee but felt like I could take myself after the nurse helped the first time.

    I haven’t had much sleep and I am still really aching but all in all I seem fine and can’t wait for my breakfast I haven’t ate in 23 hours.
    I’m wide awake now can’t sleep anymore but looking forward to going home and hopefully getting some sleep.

    It’s not painful or a stabbing pain, more of a constant dull ache I found the worst part was the first few hours.
    The drains weren’t as bad as I thought! The right one came out and I didn’t feel a thing the left one I did feel a lot more but was more of a discomfort rather than a pain and its out within 5 seconds.
    The cannula was the worst part for me because I kept knocking it and just hated it but now it’s gone thank god!

    If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me 🙂 hopefully have a nice recovery now and chill out for a bit
    I had 375 unders for those wondering X


    Hey Hun! Loved reading your story! Gives me a really good insight into what to expect!Best of luck with your recovery 🙂 I am having mr kazzazi too in march! Hope you don’t mind the add x


    Ahhh you’ve done it now Katie… Congrats!!
    You must have been starving , that was one long wait hey?! Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙂


    Of course that’s fine to add me 🙂 finally just had breakfast and feel much better now I’m lots more mobile now x x

    charlie1 -3

    Congratulations on the new boobies! 🙂 xx


    Thank you x x


    Great story! What a long wait, I’d have cracked up, you were very brave. Happy healing x x x

    Em 3

    Hi Katie just love hearing these after op stories .im having my op pritty soon.
    Hope you are healing well Hun .iv never had an anistetic before I’m alittle worried . I’m normaly good with pain. fingers crossed I’m gonna be able to sleep after , I’m very grumpy if I havnt slept .
    congratulations on your new boobies .x


    They helped me big time when I was waiting for mine. I’m okay just aching a lot! I have never had it either I had a drink of water when I came around but I think cos I hadn’t had a drink in so long that’s what made me sick I brought it straight back up 🙁 my mum and nan said they get sick from it too. I didn’t sleep I woke up so much In the night but I’ve been dropping off for an hour or so. Are you staying overnight? I would 100% recommend an overnight stay to anyone! Good luck 🙂 I can’t believe I’ve had it lol! X

    Em 3

    My pc said daycase would be fine that if I needed to stay in for any good reason they would keep me there for free, I only live 40 mins away from the center of London. So the journey home will be quite quick.:) I’m sure your gonna be smiling for ages. X


    Aw that’s not bad then I live about 40 mins away too x 🙂

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Katie,

    Thanks for sharing your story! How are you feeling after your procedure?



    Just achey the strapping is sooooo tight but I’m fine thank you X

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