Macom bras Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    Hey peeps, i had my BA yesterday and wore an asda sports bar home and was really comfy however my macom bra arrived through post today and i was so excited but now i have it on, i feel like it is really tight – are they ment to be tighter? The fabric is sat right on my incisions and its making the pain a lil worse? Xx


    If its not comfy I’d stick to the sports bra! I used macom but it did feel tight. Such a relief not to wear it now! 🙂 xx


    Thanks hun, may put my asda one back on for bed 🙂 i cant wait til i can wear a normal bra thats not a sports one or extra padded! 😀 xx


    I wore a macom and it was never overtight, just comfortable. I still wear it at night to protect my boobs from sagging.

    VickiLou 1

    I’ve got a macom and it’s the best thing I ever bought. Also got 2 from Tescos. And one zip up on from m&s that comfy aswell. X

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