Is General anaesthetic scary? Started by: Amber

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  • Amber

    I haven’t been put to sleep before or had any surgery, is general anaesthetic painful at the beginning?

    I think I am more scared of the build up and thought of the needle in my hand.

    I’m thinking about getting hypnotism before I book my consultation



    ive havent had any surgey or anaesthetic before but from what i have heard u dont feel a thing, u get counted down from 10 and u drift off so quick. ul be with friendly nurses etc that take your mind off it so dont worry too much x


    I have never had it too and I didn’t feel a thing. I just felt a little lightheaded two seconds later poooof I was gone x


    Amber, if its the needle that worries you then you could ask to use the mask first, this would knock you out and then they could put your cannula in your hand while you were asleep. 🙂


    Hi, i had my B A last Friday and had really worked myself up about that part. Have 2 children but never had the canula or a general. They put numbing cream on my hands first. You have to ask for this. My mum forgot and she felt her needle more. I didn’t and after all the worrying i really didn’t mind the whole experience. So fast and they reassure you all the time. If i can do it anybody can. Hope this help xx


    Hiya, I was more scared about the anaesthetic and seeing the theatre than the whole surgery lol, but had nothing to worry about at all, it went so fast and they talked me through to reassure and I went to sleep really quickly. It will be fine. Xxxx


    hey babe literally I am the BIGGEST cry baby and was scared about everything but tbh that was the easiest bit. I didn’t feel the needle and after that your body just feels abit heavy and you have an urge to close your eyes then the next you know is your awake with two new girls on your Chest lol xx


    hi, im one weeks post op
    honestly the needle in ur hand does not hurt at all, the nurses put u at ease so much, i was petrified of the thought of surgery and was shaking so bad, but they just calm you down so much
    when they put the anesthetic thru the needle honestly it is not painful, its just a cold feeling goin up ur arm, and before u know it ur asleep
    we all get scared i think its only natural but not painful at all xxx

    Francesca -1

    I’ve had a fair few ops in the past and they numb your hand and inject the stuff in and you feel all sleepy and then you wake up a while later, it doesn’t hurt, it’s all very controlled xx

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