Rippling advice?? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m 4 weeks po today, I noticed what felt like beans near my armpits from day one and didnt really think anything of it once the swelling had gone I realised I have rippling both sides nearest armpit, it’s really bad on right side and you can’t notice it unless I lift my arms or lean forward. I knew there was a 1 in 1000 chance of getting it but I’m gutted, I’m seeing me t in 2 weeks for 6 week check but will he do anything for this?. I was an empty b had 385 overs as I had entry skin due to pregnancy xx


    Empty a cup x

    Lottie 2

    Yeah deffo rippling 80%of people get or at least notice it to some degree is usually with overs more visible or easier to notice but I have it only noticed at 2 months it’s only obvious bent over when I have good posture siting up etc look fine but mines quite bad at the top of my boobs like dimply but my surgeon said it’s just part of the package and if that’s your chosen size your gonna get it so as long as doesn’t look silly stood up I don’t mind too much 🙂 I had 605 overs what can I expect lol I think if your quite thin and lose more breast tissue it makes it more obvious x


    Yeah I thought that was the case oh well at least I’ve got boobs and not empty skin lol, I was shocked he gave me overs to be honest I had the empty skin and no meat inside ha ha, I just hope it doesn’t get worse xx

    Lottie 2

    That’s how I think of it as u can’t win it all at least it’s boobs now now mummy boobs haha should get worse well I hope 🙂 I don’t mid as long as doesn’t become visible 🙂


    Hi Peeps, I’m 7 weeks post op and had 385cc TSF overs. I have rippling at the top of my implants. It’s not visible when they are pushed up in a bra only slightly when they’re hanging loose. Mentioned it to the nurse at my post op yesterday and she’s noted it down on my notes for when I see my surgeon at 12 weeks.

    I’m not too concerned at the mo but don’t want it to get any worse! I think if you put a bit of weight on, it improves but this isn’t an option I want to take . My boobs are better than they were before so I’ve no regrets yet x


    Thanks Sharon that’s what worry a me it getting worse, the problem with me putting weight on is I’m already size 12 bottom half and weight always go straight to my bum and legs never my top half, like you said tho I’m happy with my boobs and 100% better than what I had xx


    Peeps, your boobies are lovely. You are right, what we have got now is 100% better, so hopefully it’s just a little side effect of having otherwise fantastic knockers! X x x


    Thank you, yours are too and mahoooosive for 300cc ha ha, I’ve defo had boob greed but so much better feel happier in myself too xx


    Hey Peeps, yeah, they really are big for 300! Glad I trusted surgeon and didn’t go bigger, as he said I would get terrible rippling if I went bigger, like even 350! I’ve just had a feel though, and I can feel rippling too, in the same place as you. Def wouldn’t swap though for those empty bags I had before!!! X x x


    Aww what a shame, yeah well I could of had 415cc but didn’t want to go that big so glad I didn’t because I imagine it would of been worse xx


    Hi had consultation and been told I have mild thin skin so 40% rippling?
    :/ I’m worried as I want to go bigger than what I have been offered so far which is 415-450cc overs I am a 36C deflated to a 32b so I do have quite some tissue there already..I want to achieve 32E-FF smallest E

    tai -1

    Hmmm this worries me I need a re aug n have been advised to get extra high implants to combat the possibility of rippling…… Can I add you girls so I can see what rippling looks like. Mr mounir said 210cc is enough but said I cld still go bigger. I’m just worried that if bigger they may look stuck on :-/


    Hi tai, yes add away. I was going to ask you to add me as I want to understand what happens with cc Hun? X

    tai -1

    I’ve added xxx thanks for ur advice Hun

    sillymilly 2

    Hiya girls yes me exactly the same as you peeps. I have it on both boobs on the underneath part and slightly up the sides. If i lean over its like a ‘bean bag’ but you can’t see it when I am stood up. Like you say i would much rather have nice full boobs with rippling that the horrible things I had before :). Will be interesting to see what the surgeon says !! although i think it’s fairly common and Mr T did say the chances of getting it were high xxx

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