Breast re aug……anybody else had a re aug?? Started by: tai

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  • tai -1

    Hi there

    I had a consultation with mr mounir who is lovely, however as I have grade 3capsulation he is correcting the symmetry and is thinking to replace my 140cc high profile sub glandulars, with extra high profiles at 210cc (still Dont know if I will go bigger) I don’t want them to look massively fake. He said I may be of risk of rippling hence the extra high profile but I went for a previous consult with another surgeon and he suggested unders…….. Mr mounir said if I went under I cld risk double bubble :-/

    I’m so confused I feel like I’m faced with rippling or double bubble….. Can anyone share their exp of a similar situation or a re aug please?



    I have had a re-aug, and went from unders to overs.
    All overs get rippling unless you opt for the 100% filled implants, but then you can have firmer implants. Obviously double bubble is risk with unders, but you need to weigh the pros and cons up.
    I have rippling, you can’t see it, but I can feel it, it’s worse on my right then left, and because I can’t see it, it doesn’t actually faze me xx

    tai -1

    Thanks for getting back to me ……. By 100% filled do you mean super high profile? I haven high profile now but luckily I have no rippling at all and they are overs. I Just Have CC but to be fair they are 12 yrs old. Just daunting going through this again but having the risks of a problematic outcome slightly higher


    Hi tai, the xhp or super high are 100% filled to avoid rippling, but will achieve a slightly different look than the softer, wider 85% filled. I’ve got rippling that I can feel but not see. My ps advised that going too big under thin skin would make rippling worse, so I only had300cc, but I’m happy with that size for me x


    No, the profiles are who much they project to their base measurement Hun, super high project the most but have a smaller base, compared to lows which have a rather wider bass and less projection. 100% filled are a type of implant, I think the soft touch are 98% filled that MYA use (I’m not 100% on that, but the CUi and responsives are 95% filled)
    As you have fairly small implants, you are at a less chance of noticing it xx

    tai -1

    He suggested 250-300cc implants. I’m thinking to keep them at the smallest size so I don’t look like I have stuck on ones. Do you think they cld look stuck on?? I’m so confused!


    Yeah jb, you are right, must depend on the brand too. I had eurosilicone and if you look at their catalogue, they do 100% filled mod and xhp and 85% filled low and hp. It’s all very confusing! I had the 85% hp. They shouldn’t look stuck on tai, especially with that size, if you have a narrow chest base you need hp or xhp to achieve the size you want x x x

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