4 days post op pain! Help! Started by: Stef

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  • Stef

    Im 4 days post op and in such bad pain mainly in one boob. Yesterday day time i felt alot better and the pain was fine but today i am really hurting, everytime i move i get a sharp pain in my right boob has anyone else had this? Xxxx


    Hey hope your ok Steph!!
    ive not had mine done yet but if i were you id ring your PC and make sure this is normal 🙂
    keep popping those pain killers and hope it goes for you hun xx

    Em 3

    Hi Hun my left boob hurts to sometimes .strange my right one feels grate . I’m told its fine and to treat each boob as a different op that heals differently at different times . Hope you feel better soon . Keep taking your pain killers .xxx 🙂

    tracey 2

    my left boob gave me so much greif and pain in comparrasion to my right one, was getting shooting pains and cramps right up untill the end of my 3rd week and still now get some cramp type pains, i found using arnica helped a lil . the pills that help ease internal bruising. and i have to sdmit i had the massage leftie sometime to ease the pains.


    Hi stef
    I had pains in both for 1st 10days then some days it was bad with shooting pains or morning boob but it just stoped 1 day I dint even notic.
    If u are really worried fone ur pc, u know your own body. But u have also gone threw a major op
    Happy healing xx

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