Rippling Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Drat. I can feel and even see some rippling near the top of one of my implants only 3 weeks post op. only without a bra, particularly when i bend forward. The ripples are quite pronounced when I feel. Will this get worse??? Gutted 🙁 x


    Already. That’s not good. Have you called your clinic?


    Me too chick really bad on my right ever underneath x


    Did you have overs? X


    Yes, Peeps. No good calling clinic is it, as it is one of the side effects. Underneath is better, or side – but cleaveage??!! It’s OK with a bra, but when I bend foward, there is like one big dent. Is there any way to stop it getting worse? x


    I’ve just noticed rippling on the my breast that had a bigger implant, more so when I Bend over too, I’m nearly 3weeks :/


    Which implants did you have. Did you go with the naturelle? They’re supposed to not ripple


    To be honest I think all implants can ripple, that’s what Mr T told me. Apparently the soft touch are more filled so there is less chance of rippling but in think pretty much everyone who has overs will experience it to a certain extent at some point? Pedant make it any more enjoyable though! Has yours got any worse no0108? Mr Traynor told me the best way to avoid it is not to get too skinny. Haha very helpful Gary.


    yeah i had naturelle?! im seeing my surgeon monday

    jakki25 -1

    This is what really makes me think I should go for unders, but then I’d be scared that they’d sit too high and not look natural! Getting so nervous now :/ x


    Rippling is down to the amount of tissue and skin covering the breast, Ive read that anyone can get it, i think i have got it due to having a big implant in one breast and not having enough skin due to the size of my frame (I have rippling in the breast that had the bigger implant ) shall see what my surgeon says, theres no way i want to get it changed with surgery as i dont think its that bad or noticeable, plus my recovery was awful and have just got over it! I shall have to put more weight on !x


    Bles you hun.. Jakki add me if you like I had unders they’re not high and they’re still dropping into place. Xxx

    jakki25 -1

    How big was ur implants georgieanne? Some ppl say what I’m having is big (410) but then I see others having 600! I went to a 34e when I breastfed my little boy so Mr Traynor said my skin stretching wouldn’t b a problem. These decisions r too hard :/ x

    jakki25 -1

    Oh and thanks Kate 🙂 xx

    jakki25 -1

    Just had a peek Kate they look fab, can’t wait for mine. 2 weeks today!!!x


    jakki25 I had asymmetry so one breast i had 415cc and the other 265cc x


    Hi I’ve had in plants for two years I felt a little rippling on the underneath when I first had them and of late I’ve noticed rippling to the side. It’s not more rippling its that the implant has moved round. Don’t worry all my friends have had there boobs done with all different clinics(not just mya) and we’ve ALL got some sort of rippling. Hope this makes you feel better xx


    Awww, thanks Kirsty, that does reassure me. Cheers Hun x


    It’s not got any worse belle, just going to ride it out. Like people say, it’s unavoidable, and I am quite thin (usually, although put weight on po from sitting on my arse and eating!) x


    I actually now think mine is not rippling as it has moved to the inside of my cleavage from the top, i believe it’s just where I don’t have a lot of skin and can just feel the edge of the implant, which is normally for skinnier people, but still seeing surgeon in case x


    You do right hun, it may come and go you never know. Argh I’m so sick of putting weight on already, can’t wait until I can start exercising again! Hope the wedding went well the other day and you found a dress to wear with your sports bra! Xx


    Thanks, belle, you are a great support. Yes, found one that hid it well, and my belly lol x

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